America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Monday, January 29, 2007

I'm an Independent, here's where I stand...

Okay I admit. I used to classify myself as a Democrat. All throughout college I was a member and at one point President of our College Democrats. I seemed to agree with the majority of what they had to say. Well then I started to become more educated in politics and found myself growing tired of being classified as a Democrat. It's not that I no longer agree with a majority of what most Democrats believe it's just that being a Democrat can mean different things in different areas. So I decided about a year ago that I didn't want to be classifed as aDemocrat anymore. I find that there are issues in both parties and I don't want to be identified with either major poltiical party. To straighten up any confusion on where I stand on issues I decided to just state it now. I consider myself an Independent. Like it or love it that's were I stand.

Abortion: I support a woman't right to choose.
Gay Marriage: I support it
Death Penalty: I am against it in all cases.
Stem Cell Research: I support it.
Gun Control: I support the right to bear arms, but I think there needs to be better control of how people get guns. Watch the news and I think that enough reason alone.
Iraq War: I am against it and have been from the start.
War in General: I support it as a last resort.
Drinking Age: I think it should be lowered to 18
Marijiuna: I support the legalization of it.
Religion: Even though I am a Christian I think there needs to be a separation in church and state and I believe that we need to be tolerant of other religions.

That's a short list of my views on certain issues. Call me what you want, but that's were I stand. I am an Independent! I don't care what other people think, but I decide on my own where I stand on issues. I reserve the right to change my mind if I feel like it to so don't hold me to all these positions.

I am America's Nightmare...

Saturday, January 27, 2007


Last night when I got home from church I decided to watch the last night's episode on 20/20 that I had DVR'd. It was about proverty here in America. It focused on three people. Those three people all lived in Camden, New Jersey. It was one of the saddest things I have ever seen. The story that touched me the most was the one of a little black kid named Ivan. He was 5 when they began the documentary. He was excited to soon be starting kindergarten, but his dream was for his family to have a place to live by the time he began school. This little boy brought me to tears. Hearing his story and actually seeing what he was going through just broke my heart. I began to think, you know there are a lot of children out there living like this. Ivan and his family, which consisted of his younger brother and mother, were struggling to make ends meet. His mother was on welfare and couldn't find a place for them to live. By the time Ivan began school they had found a place. It wasn't much and if I remember correctly it was only one room in a house with a community bathroom. The thing that amazed me the most was that I was sitting here watching poverty in America! Why is it in the land of the free and home of the brave there are people who have nothing. Children dream to just have a home to go to. What can be done to help them? This, of course, brought me back to the whole minimum wage factor. Why is it in America that we complain and have activist groups fighting to get fair wages for thosed working over seas but no one is saying anythign about the unfair wages of many Americas that are suffering making only minimum wage? Yes, I don't get it. I am sure on probably you can see this story and I encourage all of you to go and watch it. If you aren't moved by this then something is completely wrong with you. You will be touched by the story of Ivan. I encourage all of you to count your blessings. Many of us don't understand how well we have it.

I am America's Nightmare...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Pay Raise...

Unfortunately, I was surfing the net and discovered that the minimum wage bill was killed in the Senate. By a vote of 54-43 the Senate defeated the bill to raise minimum wage. The Senate needed 60 votes to send the bill to the floor for an official vote. I thought to myself why? Why is it that Congress can raise its pay 8 times in the last 10 years, but minimum wage hasn't been raised. How can someone who justifiably raise their $100,000 plus dollar job and not consciously raise the minimum wage that is a measly $5.15 an hour. If you worked a job making minimum wage, 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year you will only make $10,732! Yes you read that correct. Barely over $10,000! That's a shame that supposedly 8 percent of Americans are only making this much a year. For those that live on their own know you can't possibly survive on that money. Why are rich Senators and congressmen so against raising the minimum wage? Well, it's because it's going to hurt small business. Well let me be the first to tell you, that''s a bunch of BS!!! If a small business can't afford to pay there works more than 5.15 then they don't need to be in business. Small businesses, will by no means be hurting for having a raised minimum wage. People that are telling you that are full of bull and need to step back into reality. Thankfully, many states are taking it upon themselves to raise the minimum wage. I am happy to say that just this past November we voted to raise the minimum wage to $6.85 in Ohio. It was up to the voters and thankfully a majority of Ohioians thought it was necessary to do it. When will the federal government get it and just raise the minimum wage. I think congressmen shouldn't raise their wage until minimum wage is successfully raised! I bet a lot of them wouldn't stand for that. That's my rant on minimum wage.

How the heck can Brandy cause this major accident that possibly lead to the death of someone and it being kept out of the media for almost a month. I am sure now she will probably be trashed in the media. I don't know what all happened with the accident but my condolences go out to the families that were involed.

So what is going on with American Idol? Does anyone feel like they are letting people through who aren't great singers? Those that know me, know that I only watch the auditions and then I could care less about the show. American Idol just doesn't seem to be picking great singers this season. There has only been one singer that has been exceptionally well. That girl that sang "And I am Telling You" is the best singer by far. I haven't seen anyone that has been that spectacular. Oh yeah does anyone else think something is wrong with Paula Abdul? She just seems so space and should I say on something. I don't know, but she ain't gonna worry me.

Are the Democrats setting themselves up for failure? Some think that their is no way that Hilliary or Barack could possibly win the presidency. I really don't know. Something in me says that they could possibly, and then something tells me don't be fooled. They raised this question on The Russ Parr Morning Show the other day and people had a lot of interesting things to say. I hope and pray that America isn't afriad of minorities in power. It's a shame that we have only had three African American senators since Reconstruction and only two African American Governor's since Reconstruction. It's makes you wonder. I thought about this especially since in Ohio we had an African American candidate for Governor. For the past 20 years Republicans have dominated statewide offices in Ohio. I thought for sure that they would more than likely win the Governorship again even though they have been plagued by scandales in Ohio. Well much to my surprise, the governorship went to a Democrat. Our first Democratic Governor in 16 years. Well could the fact that the Republican candidate was African American play apart in this? I think possibly it could.

Well that's enough for today, I am America's Nightmare...

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Who will the Democrats choose?

Who will the Democrats choose? Just this week, Sens. Hiliary Rodham Clinton and Barrack Obama announced they were forming presidential exploratory committees. I am very intrigued by the Democratic candidates so far. There are a couple in there that I wouldn't mind seeing be their nominee. John Edwards, Clinton, and Obama all seem very impressive to me. Also, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson just entered the race this morning. Who are the Democrats going to choose? I won't be voting in Ohio's primary election because I am not affiliated with either political party. I'm not 100% sure of who I would support for the Democrats. I know I would support Rudy Guiliani for the Republicans. The Democras have a tough choice ahead of them. Should they go with a former first lady who already has eight years of experience under one president or should they pick the new guy who's only been a U.S. Senator for a couple of years, or should they go with the man who got ripped off and had to settle for the vice presidential slot during the last election?

I have to be honest. I voted for Kerry/Edwards during the last presidential election only because of John Edwards being on the ticket. I wasn't really impressed with him and I felt he wasn't very good at articulating where he stood and he let the Republicans make a fool out of his service for his country. I definitley would have rather Edwards being the nominee. We all know that they didn't win and I just don't want to see the Democrats pick the wrong person again to lead the party. I think Edwards could have beat President Bush if he was the nominee for president instead of vice president, but I digress...

I, honestly, like Barrack Obama right now. He's young, articulate, and very intelligent. He comes across as someone who gets what the American people need. He understands what its like to struggle and he gets that. He's not just looking out for himself he seems to actually care about his constituents. I would have never guessed that Obama would have potentially been the nominee when I first saw him give his keynote address at the Democratic National convention in 2004. I did know that there was something about him. He had a spark that I hadn't seen in any current politicians. Whether or not he wins the presidency, he is destined for great things. Some people say he isn't very experienced, but really how important is experience for the presidency? Can someone ever have too much experience to be president? Who knows!!!

Well I encourage everyone to go out and listen to what each candidate has to say. Whoever is the next president will have a huge mess to clean up. I doubt Republicans would choose Guiliani, but he definitely would be who I would nominate if I was a Republican. The Democrats I am just not sure. I like Obama, Clinton, and Edwards, but most importantly I just think they need a nominee that can win! Who has what it takes to actually win? At this point I don't know.

I am America's Nightmare...

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Armed and Famous Taser Scene

Enjoy!!! Don't be ashamed that you laughed because i was rolling!!!

Reality TV is back...

Well this week I had the pleasure of watching two reality shows that will be on my DVR. I love New York and Armed & Famous. Wow both of these shows kept me very entertained. Being with I love New York...As most of you probably know I was addicted to Flavor of Love first and second season. I was first wondering why all these women was fighting over 50 year old Flavor Flav. He was old enough to be their father. During both season New York kept us all very entertained. During Season 1 she was constantly fighting and arguing with all the other females. She had me convinced that she actually liked Flava! Well of course Flave broke her heart in the finale and picked another girl. Of course that relationship didn't work out and season 2 came around. New York came back one episode and in my opinion saved that season. If it wasn't for her adding that spark to the house it would of been very dull. Again, Flava broke her heart and picked another lady as his "future" baby mama. Now New York has her own show. I Love New York airs Monday nights on VH1 at 9pm. Trust me you all will be very entertained. 20 guys are fighting to be New York's "true love"! The first episode had me rolling on the floor. I haven't remembered everyone's name yet but the two guys that stood out to me were Mr. Boston and Chance. Especially when they were arguing and Mr. Boston told Chance he needed riddlen(not sure if I spelled it right?). Then Chance is being interviewed and he says "I don't need riddlen! Uhh what is riddlen?" LOL oh my gosh I was dying laughing when he said that. If you aren't watching this show I definitley recommend it. New York and her mother, Sister Patterson, are a mess and make great tv. Try this Monday after you get off from work. You will understand what I am saying after watching one episode.

Now Armed & Famous is about 5 "celebs" who are going to be an officer for a few weeks. Those "celebs" are La Toya Jackson, Wee-Man, Trish Stratus, Erik Estrada, and Jack Osbourne. I kept seeing the previews and thought maybe I should check this out. Well it definitely didn't disappoint. Before they could be officers they had to be trained. I am sure it wasn't the full blown training that real officers go through, but they showed highlights from the training. Of course La Toya Jackson is a trip. Now in the city they are going to be working in (Muncie, Indiana) you aren't allowed to taser someone unless you have been tased. Well all of the celebs agree to get tasered. I have to say I was rolling watching them. The funniest one was La Toya! She is quite the character. Check out the infamous taser scene above. The celebs successfully made it through training and were paired up with real police officers and will be working with them for a few weeks. I was quite surprised at how serious they are actually taking their job. They are really going out and arresting people. The highlight from episode two is La Toya getting over her fear of cats. Yes, you read correct. CATS!!! She was informing a resident of Muncie that their car had been burglarized and she saw their cat and took off to her police car. She locked herself in the car and wouldn't let anyone in. She was that terrified of the cat. Pure entertainment. Check it out if you have a moment. It comes on Wednesday nights at 8pm on CBS. You won't be disappointed.

Until next time I am America's Nightmare...

Monday, January 08, 2007

My father is the luckiest man in the world...

Imagine growing up with a single mother who is working hard to try and provide for her family. Working two jobs at times just to make ends meet. You do not understanding why your mom has to work so much and wondering why your father isn't around to help out. Your father doesn't seemed to be to interested in your life. He always says that he hears about your accomplishments, but when you say I would like for you to come to my graduation he says "I can't promise you that I will make it." Of course, he doesn't make it to any of your graduations and you begin to wonder if maybe it's you. Why would a father want to miss his own son's graduation? Why is it that Black Men are neglecting to take on the responsiblity of taking care of their children?

My father is one lucky man for two reasons. Reason #1 He is blessed to have two beautiful children, my sister and myself. Many would kill to have two beautiful children, but he doesn't seem to care that much. Reason #2 He has never paid an ounce of child support to my mother. He is one of the many BLACK males who have neglected to take care of their responsibilities. He has never bought us a birthday or christmas gift, came to our graduations, or come to support us in any sporting activity that we have been involved in. Yep, you read it right my father is a dead beat dad. He was blessed that my mother never took him to court to get child support. He didn't have to take care of his responsibilities. His father (my grandfather) raised him, as a matter of fact he was blessed to grow up with both his parents. I don't remember much about my dad's father becuase he died when I was around 10 or 11, but I do know that he took care of his children. Why wasn't my father like his father? Why wouldn't my father want to be apart of my life? I have pondered this question many times. I still have no answer. I plan on asking him this one day when I speak to him, but who knows when that will be. I ask again, why are BLACK Men neglecting to take care of their children?

To most BLACK men its cool to just go out and screw many different women. They could care less who they are impregnating. It isn't even much of a concern. They don't care about taking care of their children. Yes, I know I am generalizing, but its the truth. How many of your black friends grew up in a single parent household? I can count on one hand my Black friends who grew up with both parents. It's pathetic that this is happening. When are Black people going to stop this cycle? It's not just the Black men it's also the women for accepting this behavior.

Many of our Black males are being raised without a positive male role model in their life. They can't turn to their fathers because often times they are in jail or on crack. I have shed some tears because my father wasn't around. I remember one day in high school he came to my football pratice when I was a freshman. I was shocked and surprised that he was there. He told me that he was proud of me and that he was going to come to my next game. I was so excited. I thought, finally my father will get to see me play football. Game day comes and I look in the stands throughout the game. I know my father is going to show up. He wouldn't lie to me. The game ends and my dad never shows up. I said to myself that I would never depend on him again. His word would no longer mean anything to me. I have never been so disappointed in my life. All I wanted was for him to see me play football. I wanted him to see his son in action. Was that too much to ask?

The sad thing about this is that I would still forgive my father now. I just would like him to say sorry and then we can move on. Besides I still have a whole lot of life to live. Growing up one of the few things I really ever wanted was to have a DAD! Maybe that's why I don't have a male role model. It's hard for me to look up to anyone. I do believe that if I ever have children that I will never treat them this way. I will be the best father in the world. Mark my words!!!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Black People: Have we forgotten our past?

Today is my chill/relaxing day. I usually sit around and don't do much on Saturdays. Well I was watching Oprah After the Show and she brought up a good point/question. There was a discussion about the Underground Railroad Museum in Cincinnati, Ohio. Oprah was wondering how many people have actually went to visit this museum and if a lot of people have made the effort. She then went on to explain that they are building a African American History museum in Washington, D.C. She thought it was a good idea. She then stated something that got me to thinking. She said that her generation (our parents) have failed to pass the important information about our ancestor's history and what they went through. She claimed that a lot of people just don't talk about it and that's not a good thing for black people.

I took a moment to think about my ancestors. I realized that I really didn't know much about them. I have asked my mother about her family on numerous occassions. She told me about the stores of her traveling to Alabama and visiting them when she was a little girl. Besides that I don't remember her telling me much else about my ancestors. Granted she may not know, but why is it that black people won't talk about our history. I would like to know about my ancestors and what they went through. I know more than likely they were slaves, but I really don't know for sure. All I really know about my mother's family is that they were from Uniontown, Alabama. Almost the entire family migrated to Middletown, Ohio when my grandmother was a young girl. That's about all I know. As far as my father's family I haven't the slightest idea.

So now I am on a mission. I have one living grandparent left. My mother's mother is alive and I think I am going to take some time and ask her some stuff about my ancestors. I have never thought about doing this. I just wish my other grandparents were alive so I could ask them questions. I am going to ask some of my closet friends about their ancestors to see what all they know. Don't be surprised if I ask you. If you don't know much ask some of your older relatives. They could give you some major insight into your family background. Learn about your ancestors. It's important that we find out about their struggles. I am sure many are probably thinking that my ancestors were slaves and why do I want to hear about that. Well it's your history and it's what has shapped you into who you are.

I now am on a journey to find out about my ancestors. Hopefully many of you join this journey. I am America's Nightmare...

Thursday, January 04, 2007

My trip to Maryland...

Well for those of you who don't know I made a trip to Maryland for New Years Weekend. I wanted to do something different and since I had never been to Maryland I decided to go there. Overrall my trip was great. I got to chill with all my LBs that live in the area at least one of the days was there. Ran into a former roommate from college, and of course staying with Nicole was quite interesting. Her roommate is hilarious. She kept me cracking up all weekend. Nicole and her roommate had a New Years Eve party at their crib which was good. One thing that I realized while there is that you make some of the best friends of your life while in college.

When I first got to High Point in the Fall of 2001 I was honestly depressed. I was 8 hours from home and only knew one person at the school. I thought this is going to be a long semester. I missed home a lot and then I decided to get involved with clubs/organizations and thats when the fun began. During my first year at HPU I met people that I wouldn't have guessed would become some of my best friends. Definitely the best experience of undergrad is meeting people that will potentially be life long friends. I know that James and Nicole read my blog so I want you all to think back to when we were freshmen at HPU. Isn't it weird how we all became friends through other people. I met Nicole through Jason and I believe I met James through Denanda or Eszti. Throughout our years at HPU our group dewindled, but I think our group got better the smaller we got. We even managed to lose another one of the group after we left college. By the time we were Seniors at HPU it seemed like our table was the hot spot. I know you all remember just random people coming up and spilling their guts to us. So many stories. LOL. The picture I posted with this entry is the last picture of the crew from when we were last together in November. Next time when I go to Maryland we gotta get CC their with us. (I am trying to figure out how this entry got off topic)

With that said my friend, Nicole let me stay at her apartment during my trip and she was of course a great host. We shopped, went to the movies, and just enjoyed ourselves. We had some very interesting moments. When I started this entry I thought I was going to tell all the details of my trip, but then I realized you all don't need to know all that. Somethings just isn't everyone's business. You should have came if you wanted to know. In the picture above its Me, CC, Nicole, and James.

I am America's Nightmare...

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Tops of 2006!!!

While sitting in the airport last night for about 5 hours due to a delayed flight I wrote down some things I thought were tops in 2006. Here's my thoughts.

Top 10 Songs of 2006
  1. "Love"-Keyshia Cole
  2. "It's Goin Down"-Yung Joc
  3. "Fresh Azimiz"-Bow Wow
  4. "What You Know"-TI
  5. "Money Maker"-Ludacris featuring Pharell
  6. "Buttons"-Pussycat Dolls featuring Snoop Dogg
  7. "Give It Up To Me"-Sean Paul featuring Keyshia Cole
  8. "I Think They Like Me"-Dem Franchise Boys
  9. "Walk It Out"-DJ Unk
  10. "Irreplaceable"-Beyonce

Now some of you will agree or disagree with my choices, but that's not important because tis' my blog and my tops of 06! I am surprised that I put Beyonce on the list because I don't really like her like that. I have to give it to her. Everyone I know likes that song. There are a couple of songs that I think are close to being the top songs in 06 but time to move on to the next list.

Top 10 News Events in 2006

  1. Star Jones-Reynolds is Fired from The View-I started watching The View in late 2005. I was a big fan of Star Jones. Even though she came off as bougie and stuck up I really did enjoy her commentary on the show. She represented Blacks well. She was always articulate with her points. Late June the annoucement came that Star was leaving. I was floored. I couldn't believe that she was actually leaving the show. Of course those who aren't living under a rock know that a lot of mess came out of her firing. Barbara Walters and Company were wrong for getting rid of her, but of course the show went on...
  2. Rosie O'Donell vs. Everybody-Rosie came to The View in September of 2006 and the controversary began. Rosie has come out firing during the infamous Hot Topics segment on The View. She has battle Kirstie Alley, Kelly Ripa, offended Asians, and most recently Donald Trump. I don't think Rosie will be on the View very long, but she definitely has added a spark to the show. I didn't think I would be watching it again, but I have to admit it's on my DVR.
  3. Democrats win big in 2006 midterm elections-Finally America woke up and sent Republicans packing. Democrats picked up 6 new seats in the Senate and now have a 30 seat majority in the House. It was definitley music to my ears. I rushed home on Election day to watch the coverage. I was nervous. I had been disappointed in previous elections and was hoping for some good news. Good news is indeed what I got.
  4. Use of the N-word- Michael Richards, Andy Dick, and that idiot on the Real World. You all have read my other posts about this. See those for more.
  5. New network-The CW-UPN and the WB closed shop and mergered to one network. It was sad because the number of African American shows were literally cut in half with the merger. A lot of people were disappointed with the cancellation of Half and Half. It was one of my favorite shows. I don't watch The CW much except for Monday Nights and Wednesdays.
  6. Grey's Anatomy becomes the hottest show on TV-After the Superbowl the world stuck by their tvs to watch a hot new show. I have watched Grey's since it started, but it seems everyone began to take notice after its post-Super Bowl airing. The episode after the Super Bowl was very intense and resulted with a bomb going off. It definitely introduced a lot of Americans to the hottest show on TV. A defintiely plus is the diversity in the cast. Why aren't other tv shows like this?
  7. Athletes doing stupid things.-Every week it seems like there are Bengals players in the news being arrested for DUIs and other crimes every day. Carmelo Anthony and the The Denver Nuggets brawl with the New York Knicks, TO spitting in another players face. Why are athletes continuing to do stupid things. I don't understand it. Athletes let's get it together in 2007.
  8. Iraq War: US Soldiers continue to be killed reaching over 3,000.-When is this war goign to stop? Hopefully 2007 begins the withdrawal of our troops.
  9. Saddam Hung-I didn't realize they still hung people but now the US succeeded in getting Saddam killed but we still haven't found Osama Bin Laden. Yeah I feel so much safer now that Saddam has been hung.
  10. Barrack Obama-Breakout Political Star-Every since his speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, Illinois Senator Barrack Obama has been a bright and shing star in the political world. In 2006 his star seemed to shine even brighter. He released another best selling book The Audacity of Hope and helped the Democrats win control of both chambers of Congress. He is now being considered one of the front runners for the 2008 Democratic Presidential candidate. I know one thing. If he runs, he has my support. I don't think I have ever seen a politician that is as real as he his. Obama 2008!!!

Top 5 events for me in 2006

  1. Graduation!!! I received my Master's Degree in Accounting. One of the proudest moments in my life. I am sure no one would have ever guessed this is where I would have ended up, but I am happy I am here.
  2. Return to the Church. I noticed I was lacking something in my life. I found that void in 2006 when I found a church home in Columbus. I am growing spiritually and hope to continue my growth through 2007.
  3. 1st Job. Well it wasn't was my first job, but it's my first one of my career. I am excited and just happy to be where I am. I am truly blessed to be working for this company. Even when I am putting in the long hours I still feel blessed.
  4. 1st Apartment. I moved into my first apartment on my own. I am still getting it together, but in time everything will be all together.
  5. Neophyte to Prophyte. My first year and a half in Kappa Alpha Psi has been very interested. I have met brothers from all over. I definitley enjoying being apart of this great bond. It's definitley the greatest bond.

Now to finish this long list off I am going to give my New Years Resolutions for 2007!!!

  1. Lose Weight.
  2. Get A Car
  3. Continue to Grow Spiritually
  4. Travel

Well Sorry for the long post, but I will be updating this week with a post about my trip to Maryland. Until then, I am America's Nightmare...

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