America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

60 Day Challenge

Well it's been quite a while. Almost two years since my last blog post and to keep myself accountable with my blogging I have decided to give myself a 60 Day Challenge. What is a 60 Day Challenge? Well it's a 60 day personal challenge I am giving myself. Now I have just a few vices. (Only a couple to be honest!) I really want to work on getting control of them. So during this 60 day challenge I am setting some goals/challenges for myself to live by during this 60 days.

1. I will not eat any pizza during this 60 day challenge. I love pizza. It's my favorite food. Giving it up will be tough but I know I can do it.

2. I am giving up pop...better known as soda to some. Now I have never really been a big pop drinker. When I was in grad school I gave it up completely. Well I have slowly been drinking more and more. Which is not good. So I vow to not drink any soda during this 60 day challenge.

3. Now this will probably be the hardest thing. I love Chipotle. I could eat it everyday. I usually have it at least three times a week. Well during this personal challenge I am giving it up. NO CHIPOTLE!!!! If I want it I will make my own version at home. This will be is I gone do it?

4. I need to up my cardio that I do so I am making a personal challenge to myself to at least do 15 miles of cardio a week. Which is simply 3 workouts of 5 miles running/walking but sometimes I slack on my cardio. This will keep me pushing. Hopefully I can hit at least 20 miles a week but 15 is the goal. This will be a tough one but it's a challenge and I need to push myself.

5. Giving up alcohol....hahahhahaha just kidding ;-)

6. I need to read more. Sometimes we all get caught up on the internet. Well instead of reading I am setting a personal goal of myself to read three books during this 60 day challenge. Yeah I know, some will say 3 books isn't a lot but for me it is. Hopefully there are some good biographies out there.

7. My final challenge for myself is to eat healthier. It's easy to make an excuse to go by McDonald's or Wendy's but I need to focus on making wiser food choices. I plan on updating my "My Fitness Pal" app everyday. I have slacked on that and I find when I complete that it makes me more aware of what I am eating.

Now this is my 60 day challenge for myself. These are some personal things that I need to work on/improve upon so let's see how this goes. My 60 day challenge begins June 1st, 2011. I will be updating my blog more frequently giving updates on how I am doing. If I slip up I will report it. I'm sure if you are reading this there are some things you might want to work on for yourself. How about joining me for your own 60 day challenge?

Let me know what you think. Do you think I can do this? I guess only time will tell. Until next.....


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