America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Monday, January 29, 2007

I'm an Independent, here's where I stand...

Okay I admit. I used to classify myself as a Democrat. All throughout college I was a member and at one point President of our College Democrats. I seemed to agree with the majority of what they had to say. Well then I started to become more educated in politics and found myself growing tired of being classified as a Democrat. It's not that I no longer agree with a majority of what most Democrats believe it's just that being a Democrat can mean different things in different areas. So I decided about a year ago that I didn't want to be classifed as aDemocrat anymore. I find that there are issues in both parties and I don't want to be identified with either major poltiical party. To straighten up any confusion on where I stand on issues I decided to just state it now. I consider myself an Independent. Like it or love it that's were I stand.

Abortion: I support a woman't right to choose.
Gay Marriage: I support it
Death Penalty: I am against it in all cases.
Stem Cell Research: I support it.
Gun Control: I support the right to bear arms, but I think there needs to be better control of how people get guns. Watch the news and I think that enough reason alone.
Iraq War: I am against it and have been from the start.
War in General: I support it as a last resort.
Drinking Age: I think it should be lowered to 18
Marijiuna: I support the legalization of it.
Religion: Even though I am a Christian I think there needs to be a separation in church and state and I believe that we need to be tolerant of other religions.

That's a short list of my views on certain issues. Call me what you want, but that's were I stand. I am an Independent! I don't care what other people think, but I decide on my own where I stand on issues. I reserve the right to change my mind if I feel like it to so don't hold me to all these positions.

I am America's Nightmare...


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