America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

My trip to Maryland...

Well for those of you who don't know I made a trip to Maryland for New Years Weekend. I wanted to do something different and since I had never been to Maryland I decided to go there. Overrall my trip was great. I got to chill with all my LBs that live in the area at least one of the days was there. Ran into a former roommate from college, and of course staying with Nicole was quite interesting. Her roommate is hilarious. She kept me cracking up all weekend. Nicole and her roommate had a New Years Eve party at their crib which was good. One thing that I realized while there is that you make some of the best friends of your life while in college.

When I first got to High Point in the Fall of 2001 I was honestly depressed. I was 8 hours from home and only knew one person at the school. I thought this is going to be a long semester. I missed home a lot and then I decided to get involved with clubs/organizations and thats when the fun began. During my first year at HPU I met people that I wouldn't have guessed would become some of my best friends. Definitely the best experience of undergrad is meeting people that will potentially be life long friends. I know that James and Nicole read my blog so I want you all to think back to when we were freshmen at HPU. Isn't it weird how we all became friends through other people. I met Nicole through Jason and I believe I met James through Denanda or Eszti. Throughout our years at HPU our group dewindled, but I think our group got better the smaller we got. We even managed to lose another one of the group after we left college. By the time we were Seniors at HPU it seemed like our table was the hot spot. I know you all remember just random people coming up and spilling their guts to us. So many stories. LOL. The picture I posted with this entry is the last picture of the crew from when we were last together in November. Next time when I go to Maryland we gotta get CC their with us. (I am trying to figure out how this entry got off topic)

With that said my friend, Nicole let me stay at her apartment during my trip and she was of course a great host. We shopped, went to the movies, and just enjoyed ourselves. We had some very interesting moments. When I started this entry I thought I was going to tell all the details of my trip, but then I realized you all don't need to know all that. Somethings just isn't everyone's business. You should have came if you wanted to know. In the picture above its Me, CC, Nicole, and James.

I am America's Nightmare...


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