Reality TV is back...

Well this week I had the pleasure of watching two reality shows that will be on my DVR. I love New York and Armed & Famous. Wow both of these shows kept me very entertained. Being with I love New York...As most of you probably know I was addicted to Flavor of Love first and second season. I was first wondering why all these women was fighting over 50 year old Flavor Flav. He was old enough to be their father. During both season New York kept us all very entertained. During Season 1 she was constantly fighting and arguing with all the other females. She had me convinced that she actually liked Flava! Well of course Flave broke her heart in the finale and picked another girl. Of course that relationship didn't work out and season 2 came around. New York came back one episode and in my opinion saved that season. If it wasn't for her adding that spark to the house it would of been very dull. Again, Flava broke her heart and picked another lady as his "future" baby mama. Now New York has her own show. I Love New York airs Monday nights on VH1 at 9pm. Trust me you all will be very entertained. 20 guys are fighting to be New York's "true love"! The first episode had me rolling on the floor. I haven't remembered everyone's name yet but the two guys that stood out to me were Mr. Boston and Chance. Especially when they were arguing and Mr. Boston told Chance he needed riddlen(not sure if I spelled it right?). Then Chance is being interviewed and he says "I don't need riddlen! Uhh what is riddlen?" LOL oh my gosh I was dying laughing when he said that. If you aren't watching this show I definitley recommend it. New York and her mother, Sister Patterson, are a mess and make great tv. Try this Monday after you get off from work. You will understand what I am saying after watching one episode.
Now Armed & Famous is about 5 "celebs" who are going to be an officer for a few weeks. Those "celebs" are La Toya Jackson, Wee-Man, Trish Stratus, Erik Estrada, and Jack Osbourne. I kept seeing the previews and thought maybe I should check this out. Well it definitely didn't disappoint. Before they could be officers they had to be trained. I am sure it wasn't the full blown training that real officers go through, but they showed highlights from the training. Of course La Toya Jackson is a trip. Now in the city they are going to be working in (Muncie, Indiana) you aren't allowed to taser someone unless you have been tased. Well all of the celebs agree to get tasered. I have to say I was rolling watching them. The funniest one was La Toya! She is quite the character. Check out the infamous taser scene above. The celebs successfully made it through training and were paired up with real police officers and will be working with them for a few weeks. I was quite surprised at how serious they are actually taking their job. They are really going out and arresting people. The highlight from episode two is La Toya getting over her fear of cats. Yes, you read correct. CATS!!! She was informing a resident of Muncie that their car had been burglarized and she saw their cat and took off to her police car. She locked herself in the car and wouldn't let anyone in. She was that terrified of the cat. Pure entertainment. Check it out if you have a moment. It comes on Wednesday nights at 8pm on CBS. You won't be disappointed.
Until next time I am America's Nightmare...
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