America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Michael Vick

I wrote this a few days ago after a discussion I had about Michael Vick. I wrote this really fast so I tried to keep it short and right to the point. Enjoy!

Everyone knows the story about what happened to Michael Vick. He went to jail because he was running an illegal dog fighting ring. Well the other day at the gym I had an interesting discussion with someone about his punishment. I, by no means, agree with the dog fighting. I don’t understand how people watch it. Well the person I was speaking too felt that Michael Vick got what he deserved. She even went on to say that he should loose his career in the NFL, pay more money in fines, and go to jail longer. Of course I sat and listened to all that she had to say. I at first wasn’t going to touch the subject but I thought if she can speak her peace on then so can I. I haven’t really mentioned much about my opinion on the whole Michael Vick case. I didn’t really follow it too much. I remember them talking about it on The Russ Parr Morning Show several times when it first went down. Well I have kept my silence long enough. Here is how I feel on the subject.

I feel like he was wrongly severely punished for his involvement in the dog fighting. I don’t feel like he should have had to went to jail for it. Can you imagine someone coming up to you and asking, “So what did you go to jail for?” and you have to say dog fighting!?!? Yeah STUPID! Where the dogs treated badly? Yes without a doubt I don’t agree with what they were doing with those dogs. (You might be wondering why I said they in the last sentence instead of him. Well of course it wasn’t just Michael Vick that was involved in this case!) It was wrong and I get that, but there are many people out there who are mistreating animals and will not be punished as severely as Michael Vick.

Now let’s look at the definition of the word justice. It means

1. The quality of being just; fairness.

a. The principle of moral rightness; equity.
b. Conformity to moral rightness in action or attitude; righteousness.
c. The upholding of what is just, especially fair treatment and due reward in accordance with honor, standards, or law.
d. Law The administration and procedure of law.
e. A judge.
f. A justice of the peace.
a. The upholding of what is just, especially fair treatment and due reward in accordance with honor, standards, or law.
b. Law The administration and procedure of law.
c. A judge.
d. A justice of the peace.

It is well documented that justice departments across the United States have been unfair in their sentencing of minorities and celebrities. Have you all heard of the Innocence Project? If not look it up. They are working to help people who are wrongly incarcerated for crimes. They have gotten several people released who were innocent.

Back to Michael Vick, he sentencing wasn’t fair in my opinion. I believe the DA/prosecutor wanted to make an example out of him. They didn’t want to be fair in their punishment. I am sorry but there are people out here killing folks who don’t get 2 years in prison and you mean to tell me that a person convicted of dog fighting charges should get 2 years in prison?!?! Hell no and you have to be crazy to think other wise. Dogs are not human beings and we need to quit treating them like they are. It amazes me when I watch the news and they have a story on someone who have all these cats living in their house, and the house is not a clean house. It’s a horrible place for any human or animal to live but all they will get is a fine. We don’t put them in jail. In essence they are being cruel to animals just like Michael Vick was cruel to animals. It sickens me that are justice system operates like this. I believe in fair punishment and our justice system has gotten away with being unfair with their punishments for criminals.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Random Thoughts

1. For those who didn't know I had a dog for like a week and a half. His name was Roscoe and he was a beagle mix. It was fun while it lasted. He definitely kept me busy. Waking me up at 5am to take him out to poop and pee. Walking him everyday after work. Cleaning up his accident's everyday. I miss him at times but I was only his foster parent, which means he was only mine's temporarily. I definitely am going to hold off on getting another one for awhile. Dogs are a lot of work and I'm not ready to take on that responsibility again. I will post a picture soon.

2. Nip/Tuck has become my favorite show. A couple weeks ago I bought the first season on DVD. I thought I would try it out and now I am hooked! I am now on Season 4. Yeah in less than a month I have watched almost all four seasons. I can't wait to get all caught up to the fifth season. If you aren't watching the show you definitely should.

3. Columbus sucks and I can't wait to move away from here. Come on economy get yourself together so I can get a job somewhere else. Maybe I should apply to work for the government...I got an idea...

4. I was watching the Pedro movie from MTV the guy who was on the Real World with AIDS and it made me miss the old real worlds. They used to be so good. Now they just suck.

5. OH yeah I am going to my hometown this upcoming weekend for Easter.

6. So I was looking up HPU's graduation date and why is graduation the weekend of Mother's Day? I want to go to the graduation but I am not sure how I am going to be able to pull that off. I'm a creative person so you all know I am currently working on a way of making it happen. Hopefully everything falls into place.

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