America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Are you living in fear?

Today, on The Russ Parr Morning Show, the people poll question was about living in fear. A woman had called in last week on the show and stated that she is afraid of black people. She basically stated that she clutches her purse whenever she is in the presence of them or locks her car doors if she pulls up next to a black male. This was the basis for the people poll discussion. So I am asking you, my readers, are you living in fear?

This, in my opinion, isn’t a black, white, or blue race issue. This is an American citizen issue. Many people today are living in fear? Why is this? I have to be honest. I live in a neighborhood close to a college campus. I am sometimes nervous when I am walking around the neighborhood at night. There have been reports of break ins and assaults in my neighborhood, so I try to be aware of my surroundings at all times. I have never had anything strange or seen anything strange in my neighborhood, but there is something in the back of my head that says you have to be ready just in case. I really don’t have any reason to be fearful. I wouldn’t live in my neighborhood if I didn’t think it was safe. So why am I living in fear then?

I watch The View everyday when I get home from work and they have talked about living in fear a couple of times. The outspoken liberal co-host Rosie O’Donnell feels like the Bush administration has been polarizing the American people with the fear of terrorism and that’s one of the reasons she feels that we are living in fear. She feels that it isn’t healthy for us to live in fear and that we should live our lives to the fullest and quit worrying about terrorism. On the other end, conservative co-host Elisabeth Hasselback says that its okay for us to live in fear because it keeps us, basically, on guard and ready for any attacks that could possibly happen in the future. Hasselback doesn’t mind if some of our civil liberties get taken away in order to be safe.

Well here’s my opinion on the subject. I hate living in fear and I have to agree with Rosie O’Donnell.(I bet that is a surprise!) We need to quit living in fear and live our lives. We can keep worrying about whether or not we are going to be attacked. Life is too short to focus on the small things. With that said, I am disappointed in myself that I have been living in fear myself. I think I can be aware of my surrounding and not focus so much on if someone is going to jump out the bushes and attack me. I’m not saying that I won’t be aware of my surrounding. I will, but I’m not going to let it consume me when I am walking around the neighborhood.

Americans need to stop living in fear! The Bush administration has definitely added to this. They have continually drilled in our head that the country is on code red or orange alert, but yet nothing has happened. Supposedly, terrorism is on the rise. According to a report released a couple of months ago, terrorism has increased by 25%. Why are we being fed all this? How long are these scare tactics going to take place? The Bush administration and Republicans are preaching fear to the American people because they feel like they think they are going to get political gain out of it.

Also, if you watch the news, all you see is crime. From robberies to murders, we are continually being fed that we live in a scary society. It’s like all that goes on in America crime. I doubt this is the case. We need to see more positive things on the news. That’s why I just read the newspaper, because I can pick and choose what I want to read about. Somebody needs to do an all positive news broadcast everyday. It would be nice to come home and just be able to sit back and hear about the wonderful things that are going on in America. There aren’t just negative things happening in our society. There is good in America and your neighborhood, so the news needs to quit feeding us the negative stuff.

Quit living in fear!!! I am America’s Nightmare…

Sunday, May 20, 2007


Segregation does it still exist? I think back to my childhood. Growing up I lived in a neighborhood with not much diversity. Everyone was pretty much black. There were a couple of white people in the neighborhood, but not many. I didn’t know much about segregation at that time. I didn’t really realize that the town I grew up in was segregated. In my hometown, we have about eight elementary schools. They are all over town. Pretty much most of the black people lived in one part of the town so we were all segregated at one school. We didn’t get the chance to interact in more diversified setting until we got to middle and high school. I never understood why it was set up with like that. Now that I think about it. I think it was intentional.

Many were outraged when desegregation took place. Whites didn’t want to have to deal with blacks, and I am sure some blacks didn’t want to deal with white people. Many thought that this was a great thing. It definitely was, but who would have figured that we would still end up segregated. I know there are many towns that are like the one I grew up in. Blacks live on one side of town and whites live on the other. Why have we reverted back to what our ancestors tried to end?

I never really quite understood that there were two sides to my town until I was in high school. Another football player said to me that I wasn’t as good as him because I lived on the other sides of the tracks. I thought what the heck. Is this guy serious? He went on to say that those that lived on my side of the tracks were poor people and the rich people lived on his side of the tracks. A light bulb went off in my head. There are many people that live in my hometown that agree with that. Why are we still living like this? Why can’t blacks, whites, and/or latinos live together. Why do we have to stay segregated?

I really don’t understand it and probably never will. Many of our ancestors fought hard to get us desegregated, but all we have done is fallen back into old ways. We have just fallen back into what our ancestors worked hard to try and end. I don’t know if anyone can ever explain to me why this has happened. Will we ever be able to break this mold? Probably not, because America is content with how things are. Are you content with living in a segregated town?

I am America’s Nightmare…

Sunday, May 13, 2007

In Search of Happiness!

What is happiness? According to Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary, happiness is state of well-being and contentment or a pleasurable or satisfying experience. I’ve been thinking about my life a lot lately. My 24th birthday is approaching this week and I am examining and reflecting on what I have achieved in the last 23 years. Have I personally achieved the happiness that I have desired? Let’s take a stroll through my life.

During my short 23 years of life I have done all the right things. I graduated high school in the top 20 students according to grade point average. I went on to college and graduated cum laude in four years with a bachelor’s degree in accounting. I went on and got a master’s degree in accounting. I got a job with one of the largest accounting firms in the world. My life so far has been going according to the book. Doing everything right. Trying not to disappoint anyone and making sure I did everything to make sure everyone was happy with what I accomplished. The biggest question is whether or not I am happy? Have I achieved the happiness that I have longed for?

Well achieving happiness is hard. Sometimes you have to let people in your life go if they aren’t adding anything of value to your life. During my undergraduate years, I took a long look at my life and decided that a number of my “friends” didn’t belong in my life. We were going in different directions and I was getting anything out of our friendship anymore. I was happy after doing this. It was a big relief. I knew if any of them were supposed to be my friends that we would eventually reconnect. Now, as I reflect on my life I feel like I need to do the same thing again. There are many people in my life that aren’t doing anything for me. I take no pleasure with having to deal with them and now comes a time for me to clean house. If you are reading this, don’t take it personal but I am looking for happiness. If you aren’t offering and helping me achieve this then I am going to just cut you off.

As most of you know that read my blog, I have dedicated May to be a positive month. I only want positive people around me. I am done with the negative. Last week I watched as some of my fraternity brothers received their diplomas. It was exciting and I recalled when I received my degree. I was happy and nervous at the same time. I didn’t know what to expect. I didn’t know if I really knew what I wanted in life. I thought many times if I had chosen the right career. Did I get a degree in the right field? Am I going to like my job? What if I don’t like what I am doing? Then what will I have to do?

Well these questions have crossed my mind numerous times throughout the last year. I have been on my job for almost a year and I am currently in a state of indifference. I don’t know if I am doing the right thing. There are things that I do like about my current job and there are things that I can do without. I make a nice salary, so money definitely isn’t the issue. I really haven’t a clue. I am looking for happiness. I think sometimes that I will be disappointing people if I do decide to go back to school. Some will think I am crazy and some will admire my decision.
I think about moving too. I like being closer to my family, by living in Ohio, but I really don’t want to live here. I want to go out and try something different. I think a new city would be perfect for me. I have been strongly thinking about relocating to another city. I know my family would hate that I would be farther away, but I have to do what is going to make me happy. What should I do?

I know one thing is that I am looking for complete happiness. I am now just content with my life. I want to be excited about what I am doing. As my 24th birthday approaches I plan on making a decision on the next step in my life. So I know wha tit will be? Not yet. I may surprise someone with my decision, but I am looking for happiness. Everyone is entitled to it and if you are unhappy you should do something about it. I am encouraging everyone to be happy.

I am America’s Nightmare…

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Positive May

I know everyone. I have been horrible about updating my blog. Tax season takes a lot out of you and I really just needed a break to concentrate on myself. This is my last long weekend off from work until Memorial Day weekend so I thought I should get back into the swing of things.
May is going to be a great month for me. I am currently in North Carolina. I watched three of my bruhs graduate from college yesterday. Also, this month is my birthday, Mother’s Day, and one friend of mine is getting married. May is definitely going to be a good month, so I decide to make May a positive month for me. So, if you are bringing negative energy, I won’t tolerate being around you. To many times people only look at the negative and I decided that this month I am focusing on the positive.

It’s a blessing just to wake up every morning, but some can’t even manage to put a smile on there face when they look in the mirror. I thought about being positive last week while attending church. The choir was singing this song about “getting up” and I thought about the times I didn’t want to “get up”. Life throws you numerous fast balls and you have to decide whether or not if you are going to swing at them or just ditch and dodge them.

Be thankful for all that you have achieved and/or accomplished in your lifetime. I know at times your life doesn’t go according to your plan, but its okay. Remember your life is not a fairy tale. There is nothing wrong with not going by the book.

I am planning on a positive May! How about you? I am America’s Nightmare…

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