Pay Raise...
Unfortunately, I was surfing the net and discovered that the minimum wage bill was killed in the Senate. By a vote of 54-43 the Senate defeated the bill to raise minimum wage. The Senate needed 60 votes to send the bill to the floor for an official vote. I thought to myself why? Why is it that Congress can raise its pay 8 times in the last 10 years, but minimum wage hasn't been raised. How can someone who justifiably raise their $100,000 plus dollar job and not consciously raise the minimum wage that is a measly $5.15 an hour. If you worked a job making minimum wage, 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year you will only make $10,732! Yes you read that correct. Barely over $10,000! That's a shame that supposedly 8 percent of Americans are only making this much a year. For those that live on their own know you can't possibly survive on that money. Why are rich Senators and congressmen so against raising the minimum wage? Well, it's because it's going to hurt small business. Well let me be the first to tell you, that''s a bunch of BS!!! If a small business can't afford to pay there works more than 5.15 then they don't need to be in business. Small businesses, will by no means be hurting for having a raised minimum wage. People that are telling you that are full of bull and need to step back into reality. Thankfully, many states are taking it upon themselves to raise the minimum wage. I am happy to say that just this past November we voted to raise the minimum wage to $6.85 in Ohio. It was up to the voters and thankfully a majority of Ohioians thought it was necessary to do it. When will the federal government get it and just raise the minimum wage. I think congressmen shouldn't raise their wage until minimum wage is successfully raised! I bet a lot of them wouldn't stand for that. That's my rant on minimum wage.
How the heck can Brandy cause this major accident that possibly lead to the death of someone and it being kept out of the media for almost a month. I am sure now she will probably be trashed in the media. I don't know what all happened with the accident but my condolences go out to the families that were involed.
So what is going on with American Idol? Does anyone feel like they are letting people through who aren't great singers? Those that know me, know that I only watch the auditions and then I could care less about the show. American Idol just doesn't seem to be picking great singers this season. There has only been one singer that has been exceptionally well. That girl that sang "And I am Telling You" is the best singer by far. I haven't seen anyone that has been that spectacular. Oh yeah does anyone else think something is wrong with Paula Abdul? She just seems so space and should I say on something. I don't know, but she ain't gonna worry me.
Are the Democrats setting themselves up for failure? Some think that their is no way that Hilliary or Barack could possibly win the presidency. I really don't know. Something in me says that they could possibly, and then something tells me don't be fooled. They raised this question on The Russ Parr Morning Show the other day and people had a lot of interesting things to say. I hope and pray that America isn't afriad of minorities in power. It's a shame that we have only had three African American senators since Reconstruction and only two African American Governor's since Reconstruction. It's makes you wonder. I thought about this especially since in Ohio we had an African American candidate for Governor. For the past 20 years Republicans have dominated statewide offices in Ohio. I thought for sure that they would more than likely win the Governorship again even though they have been plagued by scandales in Ohio. Well much to my surprise, the governorship went to a Democrat. Our first Democratic Governor in 16 years. Well could the fact that the Republican candidate was African American play apart in this? I think possibly it could.
Well that's enough for today, I am America's Nightmare...
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