America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

10 Truths....

Today I am giving you all 10 truths or probably a better thing to say is 10 things you might have know about me. Here we go.

1. One of the many things I struggle with is living up to the standards set by others. Being the smart kid or the dependable one sometimes is frustrating. It's like you can never let anyone down because if you do you will never recover. I do feel like I am held to a different (higher) standard than others.

2. In the strangest way I am missing the election craziness. I really did enjoy listening to all the madness. I am a political junkie and have been every since I went to college in 2001. Am I really ready to go through this all again in 2012? Yes sir!

3. I have a really good group of friends. Those that I truly consider my friends know who they are. I do have many acquaintances but doesn't everyone. It took me sometime to recognize that not everyone who smiles in your face is your friend. They do say keep your friends close and your enemies closer...

4. One of the things I am most ashamed of is growing up without a father. To me it is very embarrassing and I think that is why I am resentful to my father at times. I have tried to work on this but I do get jealous when I see folks interact with their fathers. Makes me wonder what my life would have been like with my father involved.

5. I have a very misguided view of marriage. After living through my mom's marriage I now don't trust any man with my mom. My stepfather was an asshole and that's probably an understatement. I haven't really told many people what he did to my mom, sister, and me but if people knew they would probably be shocked at the misery he put us through. he was quite the character.

6. I continue to question why the hell I am still living in Columbus. Everyone knows I want to move away from Columbus. Hell I talked about it for about 6 months before finding a new job in Columbus. None of my friends know that I did apply for a couple of jobs in one state that I, at first, didn't really have plans on moving there. You wonder what state that is? ell since I am telling some truth I will let you in on a little secret. I applied for a couple jobs in North Carolina.

7. Most of the time I am fairly honest with my friends, but I have lied to some to protect their feelings. I don't do it often but have slipped a couple times because I didn't have the heart to tell them the truth. I always want people to go for their dreams so who says I should dash others hopes and dreams by telling them I think its a bad idea for them to tackle their dreams.

8. I have always struggled with religion. Many times I tell people I am an atheist just to see what their religious feelings are. I am always surprised by the reaction I get when I say I am atheist. Kinda feels like I say I am a black republican. I'm not an atheist though.

9. I feel like I really need to do some soul searching. Fine my true calling in life. I know what I want to do, but I struggle with if its the right thing to do. Successful people do things unsuccessful people were unwilling to do...

10. Is this blog really truthful...I guess I am the only one who truly knows...

I am America's Nightmare...

Monday, November 10, 2008

Back to Reality...

Well folks the election is over with and I have to say that I am excited about the results. America did, what most would have said the unthinkable and elected Senator Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States. Many are happy and many are upset. For those who are upset I say to you I know your pain. Four years ago I remember being devastated that President Bush was reelected. I couldn't understand how America would vote for someone who I considered a horrible President. I didn't understand it and probably never will but you will get over it. Pretty soon you all will be looking forward to 2012 and trying to get rid of President-Elect Obama.

Now to all my African-America people this is especially but not limited to you.

The African-American race has had a shaky road in America. We were brought over here on slave ships and forced to go work out in fields. We weren’t treated as human beings and faced all kinds of racism, hatred, and prejudice. Slowly America has tried to correct this wrong. From the Emancipation Proclamation to the Civil Rights Act of 1965, America has long worked to overcome the divisive race relations that were created during our early foundation. Another step in this long journey happened on November 4th, 2008. Sen. Barack Obama was elected the 44th President of the United States of America. Obama was born to a white woman and Kenyan man. Since his introduction to America in August 2004 at the Democratic National Convention he has captivated millions and millions of people. After hearing him speak there I knew that he had the potential to be a phenomenal leader. Not only were Democrats infatuated with him, Republicans and Independents began to realize that this guy was something special. He defeated three of best politicians of our times, The Clintons and Sen. John McCain.

After all the dust settles from his historic election I ask all of you. Whether Democrat, Republican, or Independent to give him a chance to prove himself to you. America is tired of the divisive nature of politics. We want our government officials to get something done instead of fighting and bickering over everything under the sun. I know President-elect Obama has stated that if we just took the time to listen to each other we would see that we have a lot more in common than we think. It’s not about being White, Black, Hispanic, or Asian. We all are Americans and its time that we all come together under the new direction of President-elect Obama. After September 11th this nation came together for the sake of our country and its time we all do this again. To all of you who have your doubts about our next President I urge you to keep an open mind. And like President John Kennedy said, “The only thing to fear is fear itself!”

I am America’s Nightmare…

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