America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Why can't I forgive?

Why can't I forgive? I've tried to get over the hurt and pain, but when I see your face I can't forgive. Many have said time heals pain. Well why won't this pain go away? I'm not going to lie I love you. I didn't realize love was supposed to hurt you. The only love I have known has brought me joy and happiness, but lord knows I have never felt a love like this. This is something so foreign to me. I have played the good guy role but it doesn't seem to play in my favor. When will I forgive you?

Sometimes I wish we lived in a fairy tale. That would make life so easy. To have a family like The Cosby Show. Our children would go off to college like "A Different World". We might even take in our own "Fresh Prince of Bel Air". With a "Full House" we would be happy and content.

Why can't I forgive you? We could throw away the past and create the future of our dreams, but I can't forgive you. Maybe one day, maybe somehow, just not right now. Give me a day, month or maybe even a year. One day I will get over and be able to forgive you.


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