America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Michael J. Fox and Rep. Harold Ford...

Unless you have been living under a rock then you have probably heard about the Michael J. Fox political ad that has been getting a lot of attention. Fox, who has Parkinson disease, has come out in support of candidates who support stem cell research. One person in particular that he has made an endorsement for is Missouri Democratic Senatorial candidate Claire McClaskill. His political ad has brought criticism from conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh. Rush has claimed that Fox was exaggerating his illness in the ad and went as far to mocking Fox on his talk show! Does it surprise me that Rush and many conservatives are falling out of their chairs and crying foul over Fox's support for a Democrat. Not at all. Conservatives hate when you don't support the candidates that they do. What Rush and many conservatives have forgot is that Michael J. Fox supported Republican Senator Arlen Specter when he was up for reelection in 2004. Fox campaigned in support of Specter and I believe created a political ad for him, also. At no time did you hear conservatives or Rush Limbaugh cry foul over that! It's because conservatives are running scared now. They are afraid of what will happen if the Democrats take control of the House or Senate. Could raising the minimum wage, cutting the interest rates on student loans in half, and passing legislation in support of stem cell research be bad? I think not! If you get a chance go to youtube and check out the Fox ad. It really is powerful. I hope that McClaskill is able to pull off an upset in Missouri.

Did anyone see that nasty political ad that the Republican National Committee took out and played for voters in Tennessee. It's a disgusting ad against Congressmen Harold Ford Jr. He is the Democratic Senatorial Candidate. When I saw the ad I laughed. I couldn't believe that any candidate (Democrat or Republican) would put out an ad so stupid. In the ad there is a white lady who is insinuating that she met Rep. Ford at a Playboy Party and at the end of the video she tells him to call her and winks at him. Now many of you are probably saying why would anyone make a political ad like this. What is the purpose? Well Republicans know that in Tennessee many of the white people probably don't agree with interracial dating and are "fearful" of it, and Tennessee is a southern state. I, personally, just don't understand why anyone would make a political ad like this. The more I see the negative ads the more reluctant I am to vote for any candidate. I want candidates to stick to the issue and quit using negative and nasty ads to play on people's fear. By living in Ohio my TV has been seeing political ads for a couple of months now. It's just crazy that politicians put together these ads. I believe many politicians are afraid to stick to the issues. Monday through Friday I listen to the Russ Parr Morning Show and he has been talking a lot about politics. It's very interesting how the politicians that have been on his show dance around his questions about where they stand on many issues. I am not just referring to Republicans either. Democrats have been dancing around the issues also. Democrats are so worried about painting Republicans as Bush supporters that they aren't outlining what they will do if elected. I just can't wait til November 7th gets here and pasts.

I am America's nightmare...

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

TV Talk Shows...

Now today I decided to DVR a couple of talk shows. I recoreded The View since Bill O'Reilly was going to be a guest and The Oprah Winfrey Show because Barrak Obama was a guest. Now I haven't watched The View since Star Jones-Reynolds was let go from the show. I was very upset with that decision, but I figured it would be interesting to see how new host, Rosie O'Donnell, would do up against Mr. O'Reilly. I just got finished watching the first twenty minutes of The View and dang they might as well rename it Rosie and Friends. Rosie definitley has added something new to the show. I actually liked her being the moderator, but I noticed that the rest of the co-hosts didn't really get much in. Well not as much as they used to. Elizabeth was still sitting there and couldn't get a word in. I think she is just so useless. Her personality doesn't fit in with the show. I know she is the lone conservative, but she hardly speaks up enough. She needs to jump in there and get her point across. Joy was actually her usual self. She of course got a little in, but it didn't seem like as much as she did in the past. Poor Barbara Walters. She is just a lost cause. Sometimes you just need to hang it up and I think she definitely needs to. She is just so out of place and trys so hard to keep the show on like a "script" instead of letting it be free flowing. Well enough with my rant on the show.

The confortation with Bill O'Reilly came and I have to say that Rosie did a heck of a job standing up to him. Even though I rarely agree with Bill O'Reilly, he tends to say some interesting things. He claims that in America there are two type of people. There are traditionalists and secular progressors. Traditionalists are basically some one who is conservative and believes in christian values and a secular progressor is some one who believes there needs to be some kind of change in everything that is going on in America from it's foreigh policy to just the government in general. (Those definitions are in my own words I coudn't remember exactly what O'Reilly said). His new book basically is attacking secular progressors because you know they are "ruining" America. Mr. O'Reilly basically says that being a traditionalist is good and being a secular progressor is bad. It made me think which category do I fit in. Am I a traditionalist or secular progressor. Well I don't think I am either. I do believe in christian values, but I do believe that there needs to be some changes in the American Government. Our government is a very sneaky and disgusting business. There is a lot of deceit and lies that go on in Washington D.C. I have been reading the USA Today and they have had a couple of articles about Politicians and their relatives working as lobbyists. It's amazing that family members of Congressmen and women can work as a lobbyists and get different organizations special treatment because they have a connection in Congress. I just cringe everytime I read something like this. I know there are a couple of Congressmen who are being investigated for taking bribes. A couple of them are Rep. Jefferson in Louisiana (who is a Democrat) and Rep. Weldon in Pennsylvania (He's a Republican). It's sad that elected officials take advantage of their jobs to benefit their family. They are elected to do what's best for the people and shouldn't only be looking our for family. Okay enough on that.

Man I have a new found respect for Barack Obama! Not that I didn't respect him before, but man he just was awesome on The Oprah Winfrey Show. There is no doubt in my mind that I wouldn't vote for him. Whether he runs in '08 or '12! This man if phenomenal. Just the things that he talked about on Oprah. He still is trying to stay a normal human being. Gosh, I don't care what people say, on whether or not he is ready or not. This man is a person that was born to lead. He would have my vote. He is a breathe of fresh air and he seems so different than other politicians. It's like you can trust him. He understands the American people and he isn't just worried about making Democrats happy. He is looking out for everyone. I think he would be perfect for America. I encourage everyone whether you are Democrat or Republican to just take some time out and listen to this guy. You will be impressed. Obama has my vote. A good ticket would be Obama/Edwards or Obama/Clinton! Yes, those two combinations that would be hard combinations to beat. Hopefully if Barack doesn't run whoever the Democratic nominee is will be smart enough to pick him to be there Vice-President nominee.

Well I am America's Nightmare...

Monday, October 16, 2006

New York losses (AGAIN)

Man the finale of Flavor of Love was good. I am definitely going to miss the show. It is definitely heavy on entertainment. Did anyone feel sorry for New York? I really did. Flava played her once again. I doubt his relationship with Delicious will last. I think New York is probably the only one who really wanted to be in a relationship with him. I gotta say New York's mom was right. She got egg on her face again! You know they say momma knows best. I guess New York won't be down too long seeing as word on the street is she has her own show in the works. Oh yea did anyone see the previews for the reunion show... Oh yeah it's going to be another good one. Our last dose of Flava of love is in two weeks. Dang everyone's guilty pleasure will be over.

The election is about three weeks away. Have I mentioned how much I hate Political advertisements. That's the worst thing about election time. All you get for commercials are those stupid ads. Enough is enough. Why can't politicians just run on there record. Oh wait then they probably wouldn't get reelected! That goes for Democrats and Republicans! I believe I am going to vote early. I just want to get it done with because I think on Election day its going to be choatic and I don't want to deal with it. For those voters in Ohio please vote yes on the issue 2( i think this is the one for the minimum wage increase) we need to raise the minimum wage. Its a shame that some people are working for $5.15 an hour. Do you know that if you work 40 hours a week on that salary you will only make $206! Yes, only a little over two hundred dollars. It's sad. Do you really think people can afford to live off of that amount of money. It's been over 10 years since the last minimum wage increase. I encourage everyone to go out and support this issue.

I am America's Nightmare...

Friday, October 13, 2006


Why is it that people still continue to stand up for our Presidnet and his administration when they know he is wrong?

Why hasn't minimum wage been increased in almost 10 years?

Why do we people continue to wear and display confederate flags?

Why do people have to be so loud and obnoxious while on the bus?

Why is my heat not working properly?

Why isn't former Rep. Mark Foley in jail?

Why don't people vote, but continue to complain about the government?

Why can't we just get rid each member of Congress and start with some fresh meat?

Why am I less motivated to do work after 3pm?

Why is the Russ Parr Morning show the funniest show on radio?

Why are people afraid to talk about politics?

Why haven't I contacted the alumni chapter of my frat to get involved?

Why do people wear grillz and wonder why they can't get a job?

Why is our Congress worthless?

Why isn't it November 7th yet?

Why is DVR the best thing since slice bread?

Why did it go from 70 degrees to 35 degrees in just one day?

Why does it feel so good to get paid?

Why is my father still in jail?

Why are there os many politcal ads on tv and all they are doing is critizing there opponents?

Why is facebook and myspace so addicting?

Why ask why?

These are just a few questions that popped in my head throughout the day. Many things cross y mind as I ride the bus to work or while I am sitting in my cube at work. I don't know about you but a lot of things go through my mind throughout the day. I guess I am just looking for some answers. I am America's NIghtmare...

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Reality TV, Politics, and Fantasy Football...

First let me begin with Flava of Love! Isn't it just the most addicting show you have ever watched. Sometimes I hate admitting that I watch the show but it is so darn entertaining. Did you all know that the show was taped in three weeks. So supposedly these girls have fallen for Flava Flav in a matter of three weeks. I think they are falling in love with his money and the opportunity of making a career out of there time on the show. Why is New York's mom just as outrageous as she is. Man, her mom definitely made the last episode. I guess it is true when they say that a mother will do whatever it takes to protect her child. Even if it includes lying about a life threatening illness. For all of 10 seconds I was feeling really bad for New York's mom and then New York of course catches on to her mom's shenanigans and calls her out on really being "sick". I think my mouth literally hit the floor when her mom admitted lying about the illness. Was it wrong? Yeah but i think deep down inside she doesn't want to see New York hurt again. She knows that Flava Flav doesn't really want New York. Like her mom said he will probably dump her again. I can't wait to the finale. It should be really good.

Secondly I think I have discovered two new shows that I really like. Heroes and Ugly Betty. I saw the first episodes of both and was very impressed with both. It's about time some good shows came on to TV cause I was tired of just watching reality shows. So hopefully I will continue to be entertained by those shows. We will see.

Now to Survivor. As most have probably heard they began the season with the tribes separated by race. I was happy about this cause this actually meant that it would be more than just one token minority on each tribe. Well those that have continued to watch the show have seen that the tribes are no longer separted by race. I don't really know how I feel about them not being separated anymore. I thought was a great twist for the new season, but now the thrill is gone. I still love the show and will continue to watch.

That's enough about TV. I of course have been looking at the polls for the upcoming election and they are looking good for Democrats. Supposedly they could take over both Houses of Congress. I think that would be good. Most importantly in Ohio, the Democrat candidates for Governor and the U.S. Senate have leads over their Republican opponents. This makes me happy because as I stated in my last post, I don't want either of the Republican candidates to win.

Oh yeah while I was on hiatus from the blog I joined the many people that play fantasy football. So far my team is a disappointing 0-4. Yes it's sad. I didn't think I would get into the fantasy football craze but I hate losing. I am in last place in my league. I have been trying to make some trades to get the team together. Hopefully this week I can pull off a win. I hate losing.

This week for work we had a recruiting event. It was so much fun. We were recruiting individuals at the NABA conference. NABA stands for National Assocation of Black Accountants. I was definitely happy to be doing this. Cause for those who know accounting there isnt' a hope bunch of African Americans that are really interested in Accounting. Which is very unfortunate, but hopefully this changes in the future. It's a great career. I talked to a lot of great people at the conference. I am thinking of joining the local NABA chapter here in Columbus. We will see. Speaking of joining chapters my goal this month is to join the Alumni chapter of my fraternity. I have been very bad about doing this, but I am going to get myself together.

Well I think this post is long enough. I am America's Nightmare...

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Independent Mind...

Well folks after a much needed month hiatus I am back and am ready to blog about a lot of things. A couple of times during my hiatus I wanted to blog about things going on but I decided against. I needed the time away and I felt like I would only do one entry and then disappear again. Now I am fully refreshed and have a lot to talk about.

First thing, well I went and changed my voter registration to Columbus so that I could vote here. I am excited about this election. I can't wait to cast my vote. There are a couple of people that need to get out of office. I am so happy that Gov. Taft will be done at the beginning of next year and hopefully Ted Strickland will be our next governor. I don't really get a good vibe from Ken Blackwell and I don't think he would be good for Ohio. I am happy that the polls show him lagging behind Strickland. Also on the the political front Ohio Senator Mike Dewine is in a battle to be reelected for a 3rd time I believe. He is up against Rep. Sherrod Brown. Well Rep. Sherrod Brown has my vote. Dewine continues to support President Bush and anyone who supports that administration will not have my vote, Democrats included. (People get it together in Conneticut and send Joe Leiberman home and get him out of the Senate!) Mike Dewine is trying to paint himself as a person for tax cuts and someone who is independent of President Bush. Well read this, It's all CRAP! Crazy how someone wants to give tax cuts when we have a deficit that continues to grow. Doesn't make sense! Hopefully he will be packing his bags come January.

I know many of you know me as a hard core Democrat but I don't consider myself that anymore. I am a person for the best candidate. In my opinion in the race for Governor and Senator in Ohio the candidates happen to be Democrats. Each election I look at whos running. If there is someone running for reelection I look at what they have done and decide if it's time for change or if I feel they have been affective. Now this brings me to another issue dominating the news.

Former Rep. Mark Foley in Flordia. What the hell was this guy thinking? Sending inappropriate instant messages to underage MALE pages that worked in congress. I was totally shocked when it popped on Yahoo in the news bar that this guy had resigned. I read the rest of the story to find out what the heck was going on. This guy is sick. He was supposedly an advocate for helping protect children for sexual predators. Can I just say hypocrite! What a joke. It upset me to see that they had a picture of him with President Bush when he signed some new law about sexual predators. Needless to say George didn't know he was standing next to one. As many probably know now this guy is claiming to have been molested by a clergyman as a teenage and is supposedly an alcoholic, oh yeah I forgot he now admits that he is GAY! I mean this guy has some serious issues. One thing I do know is that this guy needs to be spending some time locked up behind bars. I am so shocked at how people over the age of 18 still think it is okay to mess with people underage. Listen there are more than enough people roaming the face of the earth. Get someone of AGE! Mark Foley hopefully will go to jail for what he has done. He definitley is a dangerous person. And to those in Congress that knew and tried to keep it hush hush should be put in jail also. The Republican Party gave me a few more reasons to add to my list on why I probably never will ever be apart of that party. Democrats aren't innocent either. I truly think they might have tried to hide the scandel also. It sickens me how crazy the people we elect are. All in the name of power they try and hide information on one of their colleagues just to secure his seat in the House of Representatives. We live in a sick world!

Okay now that I am off of my political soap box I encourage everyone to go out and Vote on November 7th. Every vote counts whether its for a Democrat, Republican, Green or any party. Please do this.

I am America's Nightmare...

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