America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

TV Talk Shows...

Now today I decided to DVR a couple of talk shows. I recoreded The View since Bill O'Reilly was going to be a guest and The Oprah Winfrey Show because Barrak Obama was a guest. Now I haven't watched The View since Star Jones-Reynolds was let go from the show. I was very upset with that decision, but I figured it would be interesting to see how new host, Rosie O'Donnell, would do up against Mr. O'Reilly. I just got finished watching the first twenty minutes of The View and dang they might as well rename it Rosie and Friends. Rosie definitley has added something new to the show. I actually liked her being the moderator, but I noticed that the rest of the co-hosts didn't really get much in. Well not as much as they used to. Elizabeth was still sitting there and couldn't get a word in. I think she is just so useless. Her personality doesn't fit in with the show. I know she is the lone conservative, but she hardly speaks up enough. She needs to jump in there and get her point across. Joy was actually her usual self. She of course got a little in, but it didn't seem like as much as she did in the past. Poor Barbara Walters. She is just a lost cause. Sometimes you just need to hang it up and I think she definitely needs to. She is just so out of place and trys so hard to keep the show on like a "script" instead of letting it be free flowing. Well enough with my rant on the show.

The confortation with Bill O'Reilly came and I have to say that Rosie did a heck of a job standing up to him. Even though I rarely agree with Bill O'Reilly, he tends to say some interesting things. He claims that in America there are two type of people. There are traditionalists and secular progressors. Traditionalists are basically some one who is conservative and believes in christian values and a secular progressor is some one who believes there needs to be some kind of change in everything that is going on in America from it's foreigh policy to just the government in general. (Those definitions are in my own words I coudn't remember exactly what O'Reilly said). His new book basically is attacking secular progressors because you know they are "ruining" America. Mr. O'Reilly basically says that being a traditionalist is good and being a secular progressor is bad. It made me think which category do I fit in. Am I a traditionalist or secular progressor. Well I don't think I am either. I do believe in christian values, but I do believe that there needs to be some changes in the American Government. Our government is a very sneaky and disgusting business. There is a lot of deceit and lies that go on in Washington D.C. I have been reading the USA Today and they have had a couple of articles about Politicians and their relatives working as lobbyists. It's amazing that family members of Congressmen and women can work as a lobbyists and get different organizations special treatment because they have a connection in Congress. I just cringe everytime I read something like this. I know there are a couple of Congressmen who are being investigated for taking bribes. A couple of them are Rep. Jefferson in Louisiana (who is a Democrat) and Rep. Weldon in Pennsylvania (He's a Republican). It's sad that elected officials take advantage of their jobs to benefit their family. They are elected to do what's best for the people and shouldn't only be looking our for family. Okay enough on that.

Man I have a new found respect for Barack Obama! Not that I didn't respect him before, but man he just was awesome on The Oprah Winfrey Show. There is no doubt in my mind that I wouldn't vote for him. Whether he runs in '08 or '12! This man if phenomenal. Just the things that he talked about on Oprah. He still is trying to stay a normal human being. Gosh, I don't care what people say, on whether or not he is ready or not. This man is a person that was born to lead. He would have my vote. He is a breathe of fresh air and he seems so different than other politicians. It's like you can trust him. He understands the American people and he isn't just worried about making Democrats happy. He is looking out for everyone. I think he would be perfect for America. I encourage everyone whether you are Democrat or Republican to just take some time out and listen to this guy. You will be impressed. Obama has my vote. A good ticket would be Obama/Edwards or Obama/Clinton! Yes, those two combinations that would be hard combinations to beat. Hopefully if Barack doesn't run whoever the Democratic nominee is will be smart enough to pick him to be there Vice-President nominee.

Well I am America's Nightmare...


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