America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Reality TV, Politics, and Fantasy Football...

First let me begin with Flava of Love! Isn't it just the most addicting show you have ever watched. Sometimes I hate admitting that I watch the show but it is so darn entertaining. Did you all know that the show was taped in three weeks. So supposedly these girls have fallen for Flava Flav in a matter of three weeks. I think they are falling in love with his money and the opportunity of making a career out of there time on the show. Why is New York's mom just as outrageous as she is. Man, her mom definitely made the last episode. I guess it is true when they say that a mother will do whatever it takes to protect her child. Even if it includes lying about a life threatening illness. For all of 10 seconds I was feeling really bad for New York's mom and then New York of course catches on to her mom's shenanigans and calls her out on really being "sick". I think my mouth literally hit the floor when her mom admitted lying about the illness. Was it wrong? Yeah but i think deep down inside she doesn't want to see New York hurt again. She knows that Flava Flav doesn't really want New York. Like her mom said he will probably dump her again. I can't wait to the finale. It should be really good.

Secondly I think I have discovered two new shows that I really like. Heroes and Ugly Betty. I saw the first episodes of both and was very impressed with both. It's about time some good shows came on to TV cause I was tired of just watching reality shows. So hopefully I will continue to be entertained by those shows. We will see.

Now to Survivor. As most have probably heard they began the season with the tribes separated by race. I was happy about this cause this actually meant that it would be more than just one token minority on each tribe. Well those that have continued to watch the show have seen that the tribes are no longer separted by race. I don't really know how I feel about them not being separated anymore. I thought was a great twist for the new season, but now the thrill is gone. I still love the show and will continue to watch.

That's enough about TV. I of course have been looking at the polls for the upcoming election and they are looking good for Democrats. Supposedly they could take over both Houses of Congress. I think that would be good. Most importantly in Ohio, the Democrat candidates for Governor and the U.S. Senate have leads over their Republican opponents. This makes me happy because as I stated in my last post, I don't want either of the Republican candidates to win.

Oh yeah while I was on hiatus from the blog I joined the many people that play fantasy football. So far my team is a disappointing 0-4. Yes it's sad. I didn't think I would get into the fantasy football craze but I hate losing. I am in last place in my league. I have been trying to make some trades to get the team together. Hopefully this week I can pull off a win. I hate losing.

This week for work we had a recruiting event. It was so much fun. We were recruiting individuals at the NABA conference. NABA stands for National Assocation of Black Accountants. I was definitely happy to be doing this. Cause for those who know accounting there isnt' a hope bunch of African Americans that are really interested in Accounting. Which is very unfortunate, but hopefully this changes in the future. It's a great career. I talked to a lot of great people at the conference. I am thinking of joining the local NABA chapter here in Columbus. We will see. Speaking of joining chapters my goal this month is to join the Alumni chapter of my fraternity. I have been very bad about doing this, but I am going to get myself together.

Well I think this post is long enough. I am America's Nightmare...


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