America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Michael J. Fox and Rep. Harold Ford...

Unless you have been living under a rock then you have probably heard about the Michael J. Fox political ad that has been getting a lot of attention. Fox, who has Parkinson disease, has come out in support of candidates who support stem cell research. One person in particular that he has made an endorsement for is Missouri Democratic Senatorial candidate Claire McClaskill. His political ad has brought criticism from conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh. Rush has claimed that Fox was exaggerating his illness in the ad and went as far to mocking Fox on his talk show! Does it surprise me that Rush and many conservatives are falling out of their chairs and crying foul over Fox's support for a Democrat. Not at all. Conservatives hate when you don't support the candidates that they do. What Rush and many conservatives have forgot is that Michael J. Fox supported Republican Senator Arlen Specter when he was up for reelection in 2004. Fox campaigned in support of Specter and I believe created a political ad for him, also. At no time did you hear conservatives or Rush Limbaugh cry foul over that! It's because conservatives are running scared now. They are afraid of what will happen if the Democrats take control of the House or Senate. Could raising the minimum wage, cutting the interest rates on student loans in half, and passing legislation in support of stem cell research be bad? I think not! If you get a chance go to youtube and check out the Fox ad. It really is powerful. I hope that McClaskill is able to pull off an upset in Missouri.

Did anyone see that nasty political ad that the Republican National Committee took out and played for voters in Tennessee. It's a disgusting ad against Congressmen Harold Ford Jr. He is the Democratic Senatorial Candidate. When I saw the ad I laughed. I couldn't believe that any candidate (Democrat or Republican) would put out an ad so stupid. In the ad there is a white lady who is insinuating that she met Rep. Ford at a Playboy Party and at the end of the video she tells him to call her and winks at him. Now many of you are probably saying why would anyone make a political ad like this. What is the purpose? Well Republicans know that in Tennessee many of the white people probably don't agree with interracial dating and are "fearful" of it, and Tennessee is a southern state. I, personally, just don't understand why anyone would make a political ad like this. The more I see the negative ads the more reluctant I am to vote for any candidate. I want candidates to stick to the issue and quit using negative and nasty ads to play on people's fear. By living in Ohio my TV has been seeing political ads for a couple of months now. It's just crazy that politicians put together these ads. I believe many politicians are afraid to stick to the issues. Monday through Friday I listen to the Russ Parr Morning Show and he has been talking a lot about politics. It's very interesting how the politicians that have been on his show dance around his questions about where they stand on many issues. I am not just referring to Republicans either. Democrats have been dancing around the issues also. Democrats are so worried about painting Republicans as Bush supporters that they aren't outlining what they will do if elected. I just can't wait til November 7th gets here and pasts.

I am America's nightmare...


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