America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

His Story Part 2

Well you all remember I had a blog in November titled His Story please click the link to see Part 1 of this story. This is fiction for those who are wondering. I know some of you thought Part 1 was my story. Enjoy the saga as it continues.

"I don't remember much of what happened yesterday and this is driving me crazy. My apartment is a wreck and I have no idea what the hell happened yesterday!" I exclaimed to my best friend. He said, "Well you called me yesterday and told me to come over immediately. You sounded very shook up. It was supposed to be a big day for you. I assume you didn't get that promotion that you expected?" I began to have a flashback to me arriving at the office. I was dressed in an expensive navy blue suit. I had just bought it and I wanted to show my firm that they were making the right decision in promoting me. It was a nice day. I didn't recall anything being wrong that morning. "My morning started off well. I was going to be promoted. I got to the office and work for a couple hours and then my sister called me. Wait...I can't remember what she said to me!" I explained to my best friend. My mind went blank. "Are you okay, because this is getting weirder and weirder?" My best friend stated.

Why couldn't I remember the conversation I had with my sister. My mind suddenly jumped to the meeting I had with the partners of my firm. I remember yelling at them. They couldn't understand why I needed some time off. I wanted a leave of absence for 2 months. I needed it. The partners decided that I had to make a decision. Either stay with the firm and not take a leave of absence or find another job. I told them I was leaving effective immediately!

"I quit my job yesterday. I quit MY JOB!" I yelled to my best friend. He was caught off guard by this. He looked confused and then stated, "Why the fuck were you thinking? You quit your job? You have really lost it!" "I don't know why I wanted to leave. I wanted to take a leave of absence. Something happened...yesterday I spoke to my sister...she told me...damn why can't I remember what she said to me?" I began to cry. Why can't I remember I thought. This makes no sense. I woke up with a major hangover and my apartment is trashed. I just need to figure out what my sister said to me. All I could think about was being in the office. My day started out well. How did it end so wrong? This is not like me to not remember!

My best friend tapped me on the shoulder. He stated, "I have your sister on the phone and I think you should talk to her." I thought great now I can figure out what the hell she said to me yesterday. "Hey Karen, what's up?" "Are you OK?" she asked. "Not really. I quit my job yesterday. I can't remember what our conversation was about yesterday. I woke up to a destroyed apartment this morning." I told her. "Well at least you are alright. I was worried about you all day. I left you a few messages but you never returned my calls. I just know that we can get through this together." She began to sob. I asked "What's wrong?". She stated, "You don't remember our conversation yesterday?...Oh my god. You don't remember that mom is..." "Mom is what?" I wanted to know what was wrong. She screamed in the phone, "MOM IS _____!"

Be on the look out for His Story Part 3 to find out what happened to his mom.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Open Letter to Senator Hilliary Rodham Clinton

Dear Senator Hilliary Rodham Clinton,

Growing up I remember hearing such great things about you and your husband. I didn't know much about politics, but most of the adults around me seemed to really like your husband. President Bill Clinton could do no wrong. They even weren't bothered by the sex scandal that he endured. I remember many Saturdays being in the barbershop and many of the men in there saying Bill Clinton was the first black president. I used to love hearing about President Clinton. I didn't turn 18 until 2001 so I never really cared that much about politics until I went to college. I remember you being in the news a lot during the year 2000. You had decided to run for the United States Senate representing New York. It was interesting that you had never technically lived in New York but I figured its best to let those of New York to decide if they cared enough.

Back to the point, during my college years I became very active in our campus College Democrats. I even served one year as the President. I liked the Democratic party and I felt they best represented my beliefs. Well jump ahead to 2007 and I no longer considered myself a Democrat. I had begun labeling myself as an independent liberal, but I was still a staunch supporter of the Democratic Party. I was even more excited because in the next year we would be voting for a new President of the United States and you, Senators Barack Obama and John Edwards were all running. I felt that no matter what the Democrats would be good with whoever the winner was. Well about mid 2007 I decided that out of the three of you I felt Sen. Obama would be the best person to lead our country. I had no ill will toward you or Sen. Edwards, but I though Barack was my guy. I wouldn't have cared if you or Sen. Edwards won I just had my preference.

Now fast forward to 2008 and we are in the middle of a highly contested Democratic Presidential primary and I have to say I am disappointed in your behavior here during the last month and a half of the campaign. First, you and your husband claim that Barack was living in a "fairy tale" with his opposition to the war in Iraq. Second, you begin a negative campaign against Barack Obama claiming he was stealing (plagiarism) his speeches from others. Third, accusing Sen. Obama of sending out false mailing about your campaign. Fourth, on 60 Minutes you were asked if Sen. Obama was a christian and you hesitated, more or less insinuated that he was as far as you knew. I could add more but I will only name a few. You may not realize this, but your behavior is alienating African-Americans and those supporters of Sen. Obama. I don't like to see those from the same party fighting and tearing each other apart. It's not good for the party and I wish you and Sen. Obama wouldn't turn negative. I suggest sticking to the issues and let the voters decide which one we prefer better.

At this point, there is no way I would vote for you after your behavior during the primary. I never thought I would be disappointed in you, but the more this Democratic Primary goes on the more I don't like your campaign. If you are fortunate enough to be the Democratic nominee I will probably support Ralph Nader and I will encourage those supporters of Sen. Obama to do the same thing. You need to remember that African-Americans are a strong base of the Democratic party and you may not be able to get elected as President without there support. I would suggest you to clean up your act. You are currently alienating those African-Americans that you will desperately need when you are running in the general election. I have many African-American friends who are sickened by your style of campaigning. They have vowed not to support your campaign and I am sure you will lose more African American support if you keep exhibiting this negative and dirty style of politics that you are used to.

Lets clean it up and get back to the issues. The fear politics, pretending Sen. Obama may or may not be a christen, and plagiarizing speeches is stupid.


America's Nightmare

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Know what you're talking about before you start talking!

Everyday in your lives I bet you hear some of the craziest things. Well today was one of those days for me. I was on the phone with Markiesha and she was telling about this girl who said she basically wasn't really black. The girl even had the nerve to say that Markiesha was like Barack Obama. Not really black but she was black-white. In other words the young lady was insinuating that Markiesha wasn't black enough. Why? Well Markiesha, like Barack, can form a complete sentence and have her subject and verb agree. I know most of you that are reading this are probably like what?!?! Yeah I guess this girl believes that black people can't speak unless they talk in an ebonics style that only black people can understand. Well I got news for this chick and anyone else that feels the same way, GET A GRIP AND LET'S STEP INTO REALITY. I don't know what your parents, MTV, BET, or anyone else is telling you, but black people speak properly. We know the English language and it's an insult for anyone to think otherwise.

Many times I have been told, "You know you are very articulate and speak eloquently!" Well what did you think people? I wasn't raised in a barn. I learned English just like the next person and you should expect me to speak properly just like the next person regardless of my race. For you or anyone else to think otherwise is absurd. People need to know what they are talking about before they start talking.

That's an insult to black people if you think we go around speaking Ebonics and are learning gibberish in our homes. I don't know why people think this way but I have to say it is ignorant, stupid, and prejudice. I got an education just like the next person and I should be able to put a sentence together (subject and verb agreeing) just like everyone else. For you to expect less is disheartening and makes me ill. I believe that many black people are faced with this when we go out into the workforce. Many people are surprised that we went to college, got our degrees, and actually produce good work. I wish there was some way for me to erase these negative stereotypes that people have about blacks but in reality it will probably never go away. To many people are willing to accept that blacks are subordinate to every other race and they expect less from us.

Another phrase that annoys me is when people say or refer to things as being "ghetto". I have to admit I have used this phrase and am working on trying to quit referring to things and/or people in this way. Many times I have heard people say, "She is so ghetto." And I often wonder what they truly mean by this statement? Is growing up in "the ghetto" a bad thing? Is it his or her fault that they grew up in the "ghetto"? Can someone please explain to me why growing up in the ghetto is so bad? I think I am going to start asking people what they mean when they say something is "ghetto". It may step on some people's toes, but people need to know what they are talking about before they start talking.

Be on the lookout for a Video Blog this week and possibly an update to Hisstory. Until next time.

I am America's Nightmare...

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