America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Know what you're talking about before you start talking!

Everyday in your lives I bet you hear some of the craziest things. Well today was one of those days for me. I was on the phone with Markiesha and she was telling about this girl who said she basically wasn't really black. The girl even had the nerve to say that Markiesha was like Barack Obama. Not really black but she was black-white. In other words the young lady was insinuating that Markiesha wasn't black enough. Why? Well Markiesha, like Barack, can form a complete sentence and have her subject and verb agree. I know most of you that are reading this are probably like what?!?! Yeah I guess this girl believes that black people can't speak unless they talk in an ebonics style that only black people can understand. Well I got news for this chick and anyone else that feels the same way, GET A GRIP AND LET'S STEP INTO REALITY. I don't know what your parents, MTV, BET, or anyone else is telling you, but black people speak properly. We know the English language and it's an insult for anyone to think otherwise.

Many times I have been told, "You know you are very articulate and speak eloquently!" Well what did you think people? I wasn't raised in a barn. I learned English just like the next person and you should expect me to speak properly just like the next person regardless of my race. For you or anyone else to think otherwise is absurd. People need to know what they are talking about before they start talking.

That's an insult to black people if you think we go around speaking Ebonics and are learning gibberish in our homes. I don't know why people think this way but I have to say it is ignorant, stupid, and prejudice. I got an education just like the next person and I should be able to put a sentence together (subject and verb agreeing) just like everyone else. For you to expect less is disheartening and makes me ill. I believe that many black people are faced with this when we go out into the workforce. Many people are surprised that we went to college, got our degrees, and actually produce good work. I wish there was some way for me to erase these negative stereotypes that people have about blacks but in reality it will probably never go away. To many people are willing to accept that blacks are subordinate to every other race and they expect less from us.

Another phrase that annoys me is when people say or refer to things as being "ghetto". I have to admit I have used this phrase and am working on trying to quit referring to things and/or people in this way. Many times I have heard people say, "She is so ghetto." And I often wonder what they truly mean by this statement? Is growing up in "the ghetto" a bad thing? Is it his or her fault that they grew up in the "ghetto"? Can someone please explain to me why growing up in the ghetto is so bad? I think I am going to start asking people what they mean when they say something is "ghetto". It may step on some people's toes, but people need to know what they are talking about before they start talking.

Be on the lookout for a Video Blog this week and possibly an update to Hisstory. Until next time.

I am America's Nightmare...


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