Open Letter to Senator Hilliary Rodham Clinton
Dear Senator Hilliary Rodham Clinton,
Growing up I remember hearing such great things about you and your husband. I didn't know much about politics, but most of the adults around me seemed to really like your husband. President Bill Clinton could do no wrong. They even weren't bothered by the sex scandal that he endured. I remember many Saturdays being in the barbershop and many of the men in there saying Bill Clinton was the first black president. I used to love hearing about President Clinton. I didn't turn 18 until 2001 so I never really cared that much about politics until I went to college. I remember you being in the news a lot during the year 2000. You had decided to run for the United States Senate representing New York. It was interesting that you had never technically lived in New York but I figured its best to let those of New York to decide if they cared enough.
Back to the point, during my college years I became very active in our campus College Democrats. I even served one year as the President. I liked the Democratic party and I felt they best represented my beliefs. Well jump ahead to 2007 and I no longer considered myself a Democrat. I had begun labeling myself as an independent liberal, but I was still a staunch supporter of the Democratic Party. I was even more excited because in the next year we would be voting for a new President of the United States and you, Senators Barack Obama and John Edwards were all running. I felt that no matter what the Democrats would be good with whoever the winner was. Well about mid 2007 I decided that out of the three of you I felt Sen. Obama would be the best person to lead our country. I had no ill will toward you or Sen. Edwards, but I though Barack was my guy. I wouldn't have cared if you or Sen. Edwards won I just had my preference.
Now fast forward to 2008 and we are in the middle of a highly contested Democratic Presidential primary and I have to say I am disappointed in your behavior here during the last month and a half of the campaign. First, you and your husband claim that Barack was living in a "fairy tale" with his opposition to the war in Iraq. Second, you begin a negative campaign against Barack Obama claiming he was stealing (plagiarism) his speeches from others. Third, accusing Sen. Obama of sending out false mailing about your campaign. Fourth, on 60 Minutes you were asked if Sen. Obama was a christian and you hesitated, more or less insinuated that he was as far as you knew. I could add more but I will only name a few. You may not realize this, but your behavior is alienating African-Americans and those supporters of Sen. Obama. I don't like to see those from the same party fighting and tearing each other apart. It's not good for the party and I wish you and Sen. Obama wouldn't turn negative. I suggest sticking to the issues and let the voters decide which one we prefer better.
At this point, there is no way I would vote for you after your behavior during the primary. I never thought I would be disappointed in you, but the more this Democratic Primary goes on the more I don't like your campaign. If you are fortunate enough to be the Democratic nominee I will probably support Ralph Nader and I will encourage those supporters of Sen. Obama to do the same thing. You need to remember that African-Americans are a strong base of the Democratic party and you may not be able to get elected as President without there support. I would suggest you to clean up your act. You are currently alienating those African-Americans that you will desperately need when you are running in the general election. I have many African-American friends who are sickened by your style of campaigning. They have vowed not to support your campaign and I am sure you will lose more African American support if you keep exhibiting this negative and dirty style of politics that you are used to.
Lets clean it up and get back to the issues. The fear politics, pretending Sen. Obama may or may not be a christen, and plagiarizing speeches is stupid.
America's Nightmare
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