America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Life Update

What's up blog world? I haven't just gave a plain old life update on myself in a while. I have been traveling and just enjoying life. I know with the new year being here everyone has started new years resolutions and all that stuff. I feel like I had a great 2008. It was definitely a memorable year for me. I just want 2009 to be even better.

I had the privilege of travelling to DC for the inauguration. It was one of the best experiences of my life. It was great being in the city and witnessing history. It's a moment I hope I never forget. I knew President Obama (doesn't that have a nice ring to it) was someone special. I remember seeing him back on Oprah in August of 2007 I believe and saying this is the guy. I then pledged to supported him. I sometimes thought I was his biggest cheerleader. I had been disappointed in 2004 when Bush won so it was nice that the "good" guy won this time. Oh yeah and I know I never addressed this but I did witness a great deal of ignorance from some of my "friends" on facebook. Trust I won't forget some of the nonsense and hate that some of you people were spewing.

I was going to write a controversial post this time but I figure I will wait until the weekend or sometime to do that one. Some people might be surprised by it so be on the look out for it. It will probably get some interesting reactions from folks.

Looks like the month of February is going to be a busy traveling month for me. I am excited to be going to see some old friends. It should be fun times.

Does anyone feel like there isn't any good TV? I just can't find any good shows. I will be glad when Survivor and The Amazing Race return. Oh yeah Baldwin Hills started last night and I am trying to figure out why they call there parties
"kick backs"? I guess its that Cali lingo. Whatever!

I was supposed to start writing my book in January but I just haven't felt like it. I have been brainstorming on possible story lines and stuff. I have a good idea. I want to kinda do a story loosely based on my college experience. By loosely I mean not many similarities but that is where I would get the basics of the story from. I am supposed to interview some friends for it but dang I feel like that is going to take me forever. Oh well I gotta get it done soon.

I thought I had something interesting to say about my life but nothing that exciting. Well let me rephrase that nothing that exciting to you readers.

I am America's Nightmare...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

My 25 things

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

(To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)

1. I get very annoyed when you go to fast food restaurants (i.e. McDonald's, Wendy's or Burger King) and people try and act like they don't know what they want. Everyone knows that the menus at these fast food places never change except for an occasional promotion of a special sandwich. Come on people get it together.

2. My ultimate dream job is to be a college professor. I think it would be nice to teach in a college setting. I feel like your college years are some of the most important years of your life. Besides we need more African-American professors.

3. I smile every time I see a vehicle on the road that has an Obama bumper sticker. I get even more excited when its a person that isn't black. I have heard from a couple people that the only reason why Obama won the election was because of black people. Well news flash people there aren't enough black people for Obama to just get our vote and win the election.

4. I have two very big decisions to make in the next year or so. I have to finally decide where I will be moving to and if I am going to go back to school. I have been thinking a lot about both of them.

5. When I look back at all the people I was "friends" with in high school it amazes me to see how many of those "friends" that I still talk to. I think my true friends are the ones that I communicate with in some way shape or form. The others are just people.

6. It's funny that with my friends from college when we get back together we just pick up where we last left off like we seen each other just the day before. It's weird in a way but I like it.

7. I am one of the most reliable person you will ever meet. I don't mind helping people out at all. As a matter of fact I probably go out of my way to help people even though they don't appreciate it.

8. I got my first job at the age of 12. I got a paper route and I really liked it. Dennis, my sister and I all got one around the same time. If I remember correctly my sister only last about a couple of months. Dennis and I kept the job for quite a while. We used to get on the bus and go to the the Towne Mall and spend our money on shoes and or clothes. We wasted a lot of money by doing this.

9. I hate the fact that there are three other cars exactly like mine in the parking garage at my job. My stomach cringes every morning when I ride past each of them.

10. My first two months of college at High Point University where the hardest two months of my life. I had no friends and no family in the area. I was very lonely many days but I toughed it out and of course the rest is history.

11. Growing up I always wanted to be a Pediatrician but changed my mind after taking biology in high school freshman year. I knew then that I couldn't take being in all those science classes.

12. I was in this program called Gifted and Talented Enrichment Program when I was in elementary school and it was a culture shock. I had never been in a class where I was the minority. I hated it and was mean to my classmates even though it wasn't there fault.

13. I remember back in 1992 going to the voting booth with my mom and I tried to tell her to President Bush the first one. My mom politely told me to be quiet and that she wasn't voting for him. She was voting for Clinton. I couldn't understand why my mom would want to vote for someone else besides the President. LOL thank god she didn't listen to me.

14. I won't watch any TV show that is animated. I don't know what it is about cartoons and animation but I just can't sit through it. I just don't think any adult should be watching cartoons. That includes the Simpsons and Family Guy and those other shows like them.

15. I went and saw the movie Notorious last weekend and I thought it was a great movie. There was one thing that I didn't like. Couldn't they have found someone else to play Tupac?!?! I mean when Biggie was like Pac come here. I thought he was confused at who that was.

16. I was suspended three times in elementary school for fighting. Twice in fifth grade and once in sixth grade. The principal would always ask why where you fighting and I would say my mom always told me if someone hits you you have a right to hit them back. LOL

17. In the last month I have purchased 5 CDs. Yeah and I never buy CDs. Those five CDS where: Jamie Foxx's Intuition, Britney Spears' Circus, Kanye West's 808s Hotel adn Heartbreak, John Legend's Evolver, and that's it. I thought it was five but I guess it's only been four. Sorry I didn't feel like erasing this one.

18. Isn't it crazy how facebook and myspace keep you connected to everyone that you have ever met. It's like you can't get away from some people if you wanted. I have put a new policy on my facebook. I won't accept any new friends unless I actually know you or our a member of my fraternity.

19. Speaking of Facebook and Myspace, I think I am the last person to realize that people use these sites to hook up with people. It never crossed my mind that people would be looking for dates on these sites. Not that there is anything wrong with it I just never would have guessed.

20. I'm supposed to start writing my book this month but have been so busy doing other things that I haven't started. I have some interviews to complete but oh well.

21. Why is it mostly awkward when you see some of your ex coworkers that you really didn't care for but you still want to be nice because you never know.

22. I really need to do some actual volunteer work instead of just donating money. I know giving money is good but I feel like I need to do more. Maybe I will go down to the Ohio food bank and volunteer for a couple of hours.

23. One of my goals is to go see the Oprah Winfrey Show live and in person before she retires.

24. I haven't bought a pair of tennis shoes that cost more than $50 since I began buying my own tennis shoes. I don't understand how people spend $100 on a pair of shoes. I do want to purchase a pair of Nike Shox but I can't bring myself to pay $80 for them. Yeah I know cheap or whatever.

25. My Manager at my job will be on the Amazing Race this season. I have been keeping that secret for awhile and they are announcing the cast Monday morning. Victoria Hunt is her name. Make sure you watch her beginning February 15 on CBS.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

My Worst Nightmare...

I woke up Friday morning and decided I wanted to go visit one of my good friends from college. I decided I would call in sick at work so I could get an early start on my journey. I had about a four hour trip so I wanted to get on the highway by noon. Needless to say I ended up falling back to sleep after calling off and didn't get up until noon. I jumped out of bed and filled my suitcase with some clothes to get me through the trip. I threw on my sweats and got myself together and it was now 1pm. No big deal I was only an hour behind schedule. My buddy didn't get off until 4:30 so I wouldn't make it to his house until 5pm.

So I am driving on I-70 East going about 80 miles per hour. I have traveled along I-70 many times and have never came across any police. For a winter day it happened to be pretty sunny outside. After about an hour and a half of driving I decided to pull off and grab some lunch. I saw an exit that had a McDonald's. I figured I would get a chicken sandwich and fries and get right back on the highway. I only had a dollar in cash so I figured like most places they would take credit cars. So I get to the window and order my food. My total was $3.27. I pulled my wallet out to pay with my credit card and then the lady says sorry we don't take credit cards. I'm like what? She then proceeds to tell me I have to go to the ATM and get cash and that one was located in the McDonalds. She pointed me into where it was and I go over and figure since it wasn't my bank I would take $50 out and that way I wouldn't have to get anymore money out of the bank during my trip. So then its going through its stuff and then proceeds to say that I will be charged a $5 fee. I'm like WTF?!?! Whatever I need the cash so I proceed and get my cash. I get back to the register and pay for my food. I get in my car and am on my way back on the highway. Well I put my hand in my bag to get the chicken sandwich out and pull out a hamburger. I am confused because I know I didn't order that. Well I look in the rest of my bag and realize this isn't my order. I had gotten on the highway and didn't feel like turning back. I couldn't eat the burger because it had mustard on it and I was allergic to it. Anyways I wasn't really paying attention to the highway and didn't realize I had hit 90 mph. I found out quickly when I was pulled over by the police. The officer was of course a jack ass. I gave him all my information and he tells me I look like a bank robber. So I'm of course like what? Trust me I am no bank robber. Well he says, "You seem to match the description of a guy that just robbed a local bank." I then try and explain to the officer that I just left McDonald's and wasn't from there. He gets me out of the car and then pats me down. He runs my name in his system and of course I have some unpaid parking tickets that he begins to scold me about. You all know me. I couldn't just sit back and take that so I started yelling at him. He was being ridiculous and I didn't have to take this. The officer then says well I am taking you in to the station until I can prove you aren't our bank robber. I couldn't believe this shit. I'm like what the hell is going on. He handcuffs me puts me in the back of the cruiser and I feel like shit. He calls someone to come and tow my car. Eventually we get to the police station. I am sitting there cuffed like I am a criminal. I ask if I can call someone and they tell me no. Well the TV was playing and I decided to just pay attention to that because they would soon realize that I wasn't there bank robber.

The officer eventually begins questioning me. I explain to him where I was coming from and why I was in the area. He tells me that he doesn't believe what I am saying. I try and explain to him that I have no reason to lie. I am the perfect citizen. I have never been in any trouble with the law. (minus my parking tickets) Then another officer tells the other officer to turn on the TV there was some news about the bank robbery. He turned the TV on and of course they had video tape of the robber. I thought good this will prove that it wasn't me. Well was I in for a surprise. The video wasn't that clear but of course I matched the description the tellers had given. I knew I was fucked now. They then said we had breaking news. Our President had been shot. I couldn't believe someone had shot President Bush....Well that's what I thought. Then the newscaster came on and said, "Today is January 22nd, 2009 and our President has been shot. That's when I realized that President Obama had been shot. And then I woke up from what was my worst nightmare EVER.

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