America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Life Update

What's up blog world? I haven't just gave a plain old life update on myself in a while. I have been traveling and just enjoying life. I know with the new year being here everyone has started new years resolutions and all that stuff. I feel like I had a great 2008. It was definitely a memorable year for me. I just want 2009 to be even better.

I had the privilege of travelling to DC for the inauguration. It was one of the best experiences of my life. It was great being in the city and witnessing history. It's a moment I hope I never forget. I knew President Obama (doesn't that have a nice ring to it) was someone special. I remember seeing him back on Oprah in August of 2007 I believe and saying this is the guy. I then pledged to supported him. I sometimes thought I was his biggest cheerleader. I had been disappointed in 2004 when Bush won so it was nice that the "good" guy won this time. Oh yeah and I know I never addressed this but I did witness a great deal of ignorance from some of my "friends" on facebook. Trust I won't forget some of the nonsense and hate that some of you people were spewing.

I was going to write a controversial post this time but I figure I will wait until the weekend or sometime to do that one. Some people might be surprised by it so be on the look out for it. It will probably get some interesting reactions from folks.

Looks like the month of February is going to be a busy traveling month for me. I am excited to be going to see some old friends. It should be fun times.

Does anyone feel like there isn't any good TV? I just can't find any good shows. I will be glad when Survivor and The Amazing Race return. Oh yeah Baldwin Hills started last night and I am trying to figure out why they call there parties
"kick backs"? I guess its that Cali lingo. Whatever!

I was supposed to start writing my book in January but I just haven't felt like it. I have been brainstorming on possible story lines and stuff. I have a good idea. I want to kinda do a story loosely based on my college experience. By loosely I mean not many similarities but that is where I would get the basics of the story from. I am supposed to interview some friends for it but dang I feel like that is going to take me forever. Oh well I gotta get it done soon.

I thought I had something interesting to say about my life but nothing that exciting. Well let me rephrase that nothing that exciting to you readers.

I am America's Nightmare...


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