America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

What's up?

Dang I really have been neglecting this blog. I used to be so good about updating this thing but have kind of falling off the bandwagon this last few months. I am going to try and do better here in the next few months. It's almost summer and there ain't much on TV so when I get home from work I guess I could try and update this thing more often. My goal is at least once a week. We will see what happens.

So my favorite show on TV right now has to be The Young and the Restless. Yes you read that correctly. I'm not ashamed to admit that I like soap operas. Growing up of course I was forced to sit through my summers watching soap operas because my mother and babysitters filled their afternoons watching them. I slowly feel in love with the Young and the Restless. I am so hooked to this show right now. Ashley Abbott is pregnant with Victor Newman's child and is being driven crazy by Victor's son Adam. I mean this story has been so good. I am loving Adam as the bad seed. Then there is my favorite older couple Katherine Chancellor and Patrick Murphy. I have loved those two's interaction and chemistry since Murphy found Katherine in the river/lake. I am so happy they married and am looking forward to them living happily ever after. If you like soap operas I suggest you put on your DVR/Tivo The Young and the Restless. It will remind you of the times when you were young and couldn't wait to find out what was going to happen next with the Newman, Abbott and Winters families.

I want to purchase a laptop. I want a MAC but I have been told that I probably shouldn't spend all that money on one since I won't be editing music or producing videos and stuff. So I have now began looking into an HP laptop. I have an HP desktop computer and it's nice. I bought it in 2005 right before I went to grad school. It's time for something new and by the end of the summer I will have a laptop. Mark my words. I may own one in the next week or so. LOL.

Savings money is so hard to do. Let me tell you, during these tough economic times I am trying to be better about saving. My best friend and I have decided to save a nice percentage of our salary during the summer months. This is a trial period for us. Depending on the success of it we might continue it for the rest of the year. WE will see.

Oh and I need something to do for the 4th of July! I refuse to sit in Columbus and do nothing. Think of something fun to do for me! Help people!

Oh yeah I am setting up a twitter account this week. Maybe today but that depends on if I feel like it. Facebook is so annoying to get on and I am ready to join the twitter family. I will let you all know when I get my twitter set up.

Until next time I am America's Nightmare...

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Is this the change we voted for?

Ok so today while I work I was browsing Facebook when I came across an interesting status message. This is what it said, "Franklin Hicks I just found out this is the first time in years we wont have any type of ceremonies or celebration at the WHITE HOUSE for National Day of Prayer... WOW thats crazy!!! Even Bush Respected God enough to openly have our country take a moment out and pray.. SCARY TO THINK WHERE WERE HEADED. GOD HAVE MERCY ON US ALL"

So my first thought was oh lord the "Jesus Freaks" have found another reason to go crazy about President Barack Obama but then I thought well maybe I should respond. Well before I could respond I noticed that a couple people had responded to Franklin's status. Here's what they said,

Stephanie May at 2:48pm...All the who people cried out for CHANGE with Obama...well they got their good dose of CHANGE didn't they? blah :/
Jerold Monahan at 2:59pm May 7...its cause he is secretly a Muslim
Jessica Gomez at 3:17pm May 7...WOW that is crazy!

WTF?!?!? Are these people serious. I was busy at work but I am never too busy to defend our President. Especially over something I feel is just ridiculous. So here's my sarcastic response

Cliff 'Smitty' Smith at 3:18pm May 7 via Facebook Mobile
Separation of church and state...I am sure God will be ok with the white house not honoring a ritual made by man

Now of here are the rest of the responses to Franklin's status after my response.

Cindy Strasser at 3:21pm May 7...Pray for our leadership. Pray for Barak & Michelle to come into the Kingdom of God just like you would pray for your own unsaved family members.
Jerold Monahan at 3:27pm May 7...for it is written....these things must come to pass...side note....i'll pray for Obama just as much as people prayed and supported Bush.
Cliff 'Smitty' Smith at 3:35pm May 7...Jesus take the wheel!
Franklin Hicks at 3:38pm May 7...Cliffy Cliff wats up man!!!! Good 2 c your doing well but its not about the white house its self but its about are leaders understanding that America was founded on Christian Principles and as this world comes to an end we all need to lead as many people as possible in prayer with hopes that we all find the Grace to make in..... In the shape are country is in alil prayer wouldnt hurt... EVEN R.KELLY KNOW'S PRAYER CHANGES THINGS..LOL
Jerold Monahan at 3:46pm May love and pray for Bush as much as Obama? Cliff 'Smitty' Smith at 3:48pm May 7...Actually our founding fathers were mostly christians but they believed in the separation of church and state. They felt like religion had no business in government. R.Kelly lol I won't even go there.
Franklin Hicks at 3:55pm May 7...LOL... u must admit that R. Kelly one was
But i hear wat u saying my brother.... I just feel that it should go hand and hand just because are leaders make decision that effects all of us and i believe those decision should be made with the help of God... We also spend G.ment money that says in GOD WE TRUST... HOW CAN WE TRUST A GOD WE WONT OPENLY RECOGNIZED?
Jerold Monahan at 3:56pm May 7...Your right the founding forefathers thought it would be a cure for what had happened in England and many of civilizations throughout time. Corruption of the Government or church given to much power. However, what they failed to realize was that as long as man was in control it could be as corrupted and defiled as an organization that was set put to only do evil things. so even the seperation of church and state has become a successful experiment that the heart of man is deceitfully wicked.
Franklin Hicks at 3:57pm May 7...and jerold i have nothing aganist you but sometimes u say stuff u shouldn't say....
Jerold Monahan at 4:03pm May 7...what you give with one hand you take bake with the say you have nothing against me and the you say but...contradiction my is all relative to how the world is viewed through the eyes of the individual. Perception is reality.
Cliff 'Smitty' Smith at 4:05pm May 7...I understand your point Franklin, but since America is a very diverse country do you really feel like it is fair to single out one religion for the country to respect? What about those other religions? Everyone in America doesn't follow the christian faith.
Jerold Monahan at 4:07pm May 7...out of 85000 religions in the world I thiink it is safe to say that some of them are wrong....ha
Franklin Hicks at 4:07pm May 7...No contradiction!!!!! i have mad love for you...U r my friend in-spite of whatever u have said or done to me : ) .... The but comes in when u say stuff as if it is facts..... SECRET MUSLIM??? MAYBE, MAYBE NOT... BUT U DONT STATE STUFF LIKE THAT UNLESS U KNOW 100% MY FRIEND
Jerold Monahan at 4:11pm May 7...if you have time you should watch that link i posted...doesn't protect anyone...though not directly related it confirms some of the things that Perry Stone was talking about. We went out to lunch with him after church that day and gosh you should have heard some of the things that he had to say.
Franklin Hicks at 4:14pm May 7...I feel that we pray for whatever is our base religion... As americans we were brought up in Christian faith, so why change because we have other religion in our country.... If you go to a Muslim country they openly pray to there God no matter who lives in there...

Ok now here is my thing. Do you really think God cares about national day of prayer or whatever mess people have created? Is our country really going to go to hell in a hand basic because President Obama didn't observe this? Give me a break people! My best friend said it best when she said, "Next they will blame the swine flu on President Obama!" I don't say anything of this to mock the christian faith. Hell I consider myself a follower of it but I am so sick and tired of "Christians" b*&ching and moaning every time something doesn't go the way they think their Bible says things are supposed to go. It's ludicrous to think that America is going down the drain because President Obama didn't observe National Day of Prayer! How many of you have actually recognized this fake "holiday" every year? Heck I never knew it existed until a couple of years ago, besides aren't you supposed to pray everyday anyways on your own?!?! I understand people who follow the Bible but you have to be realistic and have an open mind when reading and following any religious faith. NO religion is better than any other one. That's one of the problems with you "Jesus Freaks". You constantly think the world should only follow Christianity and anybody who does anything different should be condemned to hell. I am sick and tired of these self righteous attitudes. It makes me sick and makes me wonder why the hell am I a christian. There are people starving everyday and you are worried about the President holding a national day of prayer. Come on and you need to read your bibles a little more. From my understanding of the sacred text, I feel like our God is an understanding and loving God. He could careless about this nonsense. Maybe he is worried about our American soldiers that are fighting overseas. Did you all say a prayer for them?

Sorry for the rant but I just had to get that off my chest. Thanks Franklin for the interesting exchange on the subject. I respectfully disagree with how you feel about the situation but I am glad you responded with class instead of following the footsteps of some of the other people who are trying to attack the character of our great President.

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