America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What's happening? What's up?

YO! To all my blog readers. I know it’s been awhile since I have just given a general update to what’s going on with me. With the presidential election going on I tend to forget to give my life updates. Well as most of you know I quit my job with KPMG. It was time to move on and I was offered a great opportunity with another great company. Change is very hard for me, but ultimately I knew it was the right thing to do. I will miss some of my former colleagues but I’m not that far away. My new job is only a couple blocks from my previous one.

Did I mention that we had this ridiculous wind storm a little over a week ago? My electricity was knocked out for about 30 hours. Within those 30 hours I started my new job, which means on the first day I got dressed in the dark. To make matters worse, I now work for our electric company. I work in their tax department, but I thought it was funny that on my first day I didn’t have electricity. I know many people that were without electricity for a lot longer than me. My mom was out for almost a week and my sister was fortunate enough to only be out for like 6 hours. I am just glad to be back with electricity. Don’t it always seems as though, that we don’t know what it’s got until it’s gone.

I am going on a cruise in December to celebrate one of my friend’s graduation from college. I am super excited. It’s for 7 days and my new employer has okayed my vacation! To say that I am ready is an understatement. I can’t wait to just be on the boat and relaxing all day with nothing to do. No email, internet, and no everyday like stuff. It will be great to just relax on a true vacation. We are going to the Mexican Rivera. Which is like Cabo San Lucas (spelling), Puerto Vireo, and some other beaches along the coast? We are leaving from South Beach in California. There will be four of us. Dennis, Katya, one of Dennis’ friends, and me. We are celebrating Dennis’ graduation. It should be good times. I think we all are ready for it.

In a previous post, I told you all about buying a new Ipod. Well this one has a little more space than my other one, so I have been adding a slew of new songs to my new one. Let me tell you I forgot how good the music of 112 was. They used to be one of my favorite R&B singing groups. I thought about there music after uploading Slim’s new song, So Fly featuring Yung Jock to my Ipod play list. Then I thought man I only have one 112 song on my Ipod. I then added some other 112 songs and I truly forgot that they had so many great songs. They definitely need to do another album. Alright that’s enough of my rambling for now. I am going to apologize in advance because most of my future post (at least for the next 5-6 weeks) will be about the upcoming election. You all know I am a political junkie.

I am America’s Nightmare…

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


We have less than 60 days until the 2008 Presidential election. I am very excited about it. This will be a history making election no matter what the outcome is. During these times I tend to watch CNN, MSNBC and Fox News a lot. I like flipping back and forth and hearing all the political commentary on the campaign. It’s nice to hear the surrogates go after each other to defend their candidate. With that said one thing that has been in the news lately are the LIES the McCain/Palin group have been repeating. Below are a list of some of those LIES

-Gov. Palin told Congress, “No thanks to the Bridge to Nowhere.”
-Gov. Palin is against federal earmarks
-McCain released an ad saying that Obama called Palin a pig.
-Palin has visited Iraq
-McCain ad lying saying Obama supported a bill teaching kindergartners about sex education
-McCain stated that Gov. Palin is the most experienced Vice Presidential pick EVER!

Yes, the LIES continues to spew out of his and her mouth. I always thought of John McCain as an honorable man. I remember hearing people talk about how then Gov. George W. Bush trashed the man and swift boated him. I was surprised and shocked that a Republican would do that to there own. I believe Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri said it best, “You know, honor is talked about a lot in this campaign. Honor comes with honesty. And you've got to be honest about the facts.”

John McCain has not been honest about the facts. His campaign is a disgrace to Americans. The part that pisses me off the most is the fact that a lot of Americans will believe his lies. McCain has stooped to the lowest of lows with his political campaign. It’s a shame that he would go so low to be President. He would rather loose his honor by lying. If that the road he wants to take I say, NO THANKS TO A JOHN MCCAIN PRESIDENCY!

The John McCain from 2000 isn’t the same John McCain of 2008. It’s a sad day for America. I know as the election gets closer and closer McCain will continue to LIE about the facts, but for the sake of the American public I urge Sen. John McCain to do the honorable thing and let’s tell the TRUTH!


Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Gov. Sarah Palin...the gift that keeps on giving

I remember wondering who the heck John McCain would pick to be his VP. Like many others I thought for sure that he would pick Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota or ex Gov. Tom Ridge of Pennsylvania. I was of course caught off guard when my LB called to tell me who the pick was. The pick was Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska. I laughed because I was thinking John McCain is an even bigger idiot than I thought before.

My first conclusion on why he picked her was to try and some way get those Hillary Clinton primary voters that are supposedly still upset over her defeat. Now logically I couldn't understand how any Hillary Clinton supporter would shift there support to McCain/Palin. They have opposite opinions on all major issues and it just wouldn't make sense. I am not a Hillary Clinton supporter and I would have not supported her if she won the Democratic nomination. Her and Bill's behavior during the primary season was ridiculous to put it lightly. I would have supported Independent Candidate Ralph Nader. Yep not McCain/Palin. I would never vote for McCain/Palin because we don't agree on any issues.

Well pack to the basics of this post. Palin then became the gift that kept on giving. It was reported that her and John McCain had only met once before he picked her. They didn't know each other at all. Her pick was a risk. It was even speculated that he didn't fully vet her because he was all about choosing Sen. Joe Lieberman as his VP. I thought man this just keeps getting better and better. Then news broke about her 17 year old daughter being pregnant. So I can't really believe this. I'm like this just keeps getting better and better. Gov. Sarah Palin, a supposed believer of not teaching sex education in schools might have forgot to have that sex talk with her own child.

Well then the Republican National Convention began. I anticipated Gov. Palin's speech. I was like this will be our first real chance to hear about her. Well of course I was disappointed again. All she did was bash Sen. Barack Obama. We didn't find anything out about her except for that she is a lipstick wearing pit bull. I thought man is the McCain campaign just stupid. Why aren't they letting her tell where she stands on issues and why won't she say what a McCain/Palin White House would do for America. I thought ha McCain has struck out again with her.

Then today I am watching MSNBC and I found out that Palin is still giving the same speech that she gave at the convention to her audiences. She is refusing to answer questions from the media and she never deviates from her script. Why won't the McCain campaign let anyone get hold of her? You want to know why? Well it's because she is ready to answer the tough questions. They are afraid she will make some gaffe and it will do so much damage that they won't be able to reverse it. Wow when will the American people get to hear what she really stands for? Probably never.

And lastly, Palin had an infamous line in her speech that she she opposed the "Bridge to Nowhere". Well all major news organization and national papers did some research and have found that she is lying about her opposition to the bridge. She in fact supported it before she was against it. (Remember that line from 2004?) Yep, Palin is continuing to go on the campaign trail and promote her opposition to the "Bridge to Nowhere" but is forgetting to mention that she once was for it.

With all that said, anyone with any sense can see that Gov. Palin is the gift that keeps giving for the Democrats. She continues to offer the Democrats a much needed glimmer of hope that the White House should be easily handed to them in November. I am not saying that it will be a blowout. I do think the election will be very close, but I do predict that Palin will continue to be the gift that the Democrats needed. She will keep providing the Democrats with the needed ammo to win the 2008 Presidential election.

I am America's Nightmare...

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