America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Season Finales

Oh my goodness did everyone watch the season finale of Grey's Anatomy!!!!!!!!! Wow that was a very good two hour finale. I really do love Chandra Wilson (that's Dr. Bailey for those who don't know) she really brings a lot to that character. She manages to stand out in every episode. She relaly has a hard time with those interns but you gotta love her witty comments and the way she takes charge of every situation she is in. Even the chief has a hard time standing up to her.

Things I liked about last nights episode
1. Chandra Wilson cause she is the best thing since sliced bread.
2. Denny dies!!! I know some may not agree but I saw this coming. It provided great ending to the episode and now we are left wondering if Izzie is really going to quit.
3. Doc the dog being put to sleep. I don't really like Meredith and Dr. McDreamy together so I was happy to see the one thing connecting them put to rest.
4. The interns all sticking together and deciding not to confess to the Chief who cut the UV cord on Denny.
5. Dr. Burke and Christina at the end. She finally came in at the end to be by his side. They are definitely the best couple on Grey's. I thought I am gong to quit watching this show if they kill him off.

Things I didn't like about last night's episode
1. Meredith and Dr. McDreamy going to kiss and feel each other up during the Prom.
2. The Prom thing was very unrealistic.

Overrall a great episode. Can't wait til next season.

And Survivor also concluded this week. I was glad that Aras won, even though I was rooting for Cirie. It's okay cause Cirie won the car. I can't wait til next season.

Well that's all for today. I will have more comments on the remaining season finales I will be watching this week. Don't expect anything on American Idol because that show is for the birds.

I'm America's Nightmare...


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