America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Friday, April 07, 2006

If you...

If you were to be the opposite sex for one day, what would you do?

I don' t think I could be a female cause they are full of too much drama and just my luck it would be that time of the month and we all know how that goes...J/K...LOL

If you had to name the most difficult thing about being a teenager today, what would you say?

Peer pressure to do drugs.

If you had to name the most embarrassing moment of your life, when was it?

The only thing I am willing to admit right now is from the 6th grade spelling bee and I got out on the word PAIR! Yeah I couldn't think of how to spell that word. I was so embarassed cause who doesn't know how to spell pair. I don't know what I was thinking.

If you had to name the most overrated actor in Hollywood, who would it be?

Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise...just to name a couple!

If you had to name the one personality trait that you have tried the hardest to change in yourself, what would you say?

My shynest when first meeting people. For some reason when someone is new around me I tend to act shy and won't say much. But those who know me know that I always have a lot to say and am far from being shy.

If you could go back for one minute to the Garden of Eden and give Adam advice, what would you say?

The apples in the Garden of Eden are full of poison and will kill you if you eat them. LOL

If you were to name the best “I told you so” you ever got to deliver, what was it?

Dang I can't think of one off the top of my head.

If you were Britney Spears, what would you do for your next publicity stunt?

Pose nude for Playboy...I think I would be a million copies of that!

If you could have a lifetime 50 percent discount in any single store at your local mall, which store would it be in?

I would have to say Old Navy. I love that store and they have the best jeans.

If you could have one more pet, what kind would you get, and what would you name it?

I would get a pet rockwhiler(i know that isn't the correct spelling) I would name it Randy or Roscoe.

If you could have God perform one miracle today, what would you want it to be?

To cure AIDS!

If you could spend next New Year’s Eve doing anything, what would you do, and with whom?

I would go to Las Vegas and spend the new year gambling and partyin with my closet friends. They all know who they are!

If you were to set your country’s immigration policy, what would it be?

To let all the illegal immigrants that are here now stay and become US citizens if they wanted to. They I would reduce the number of immigrants that we let into the country until we got all that straight.

If you were given the power to settle the issue of gays in the military, what policy would you set?

At this point we need to let anyone sign up for the military regardless of their sexual orientation, because we all know there isn't a whole lot of people running to join the military. We are in no posiition to discriminate against anyone cause we need more troops.

If you could have one person you have lost touch with call you up tonight and invite you to dinner, who would you want it to be?

That would have to be Tiara. Even though we saw each other briefly over Christmas Break we haven't really talked in a long time. I don't know much about what is going on in her life and I am sure she doesn't know much about my life right now either.

If you could change on thing about your love life, what would it be?

I would change the fact that I don't have one.

If you could have prevented one book from ever having been written, which book would it be?

I dont' really don't know.

If you have to name the best music album ever recorded, which would you select?

I would say the Miseducation of Lauryn Hill, The Writings on the Wall by Destiny's Child, and Monkey Business by the Black Eyed Peas

If God were to whisper one thing in your ear, what would you like Him to say?"

I'll see ya in heaven.


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