America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Top 10 Highlights from a week of training in New Jersey...

1. I saw Rick Flair in the airport when I arrived in New York. Ric Flair is a pro wrestler who I grew up watching. Too bad I was stuck on the phone trying to figure out where the car service was at that was supposed to pick me up. I missed my chance for his autograph and a picture.

2. First day of class we were asked to stand up and say something interesting about ourselves. Well one guy took it upon himself to let everyone know that he hates his job, and he seemed to be very serious about that. LOL!!!

3. Tuesday night, the other people from my office and myself went out to dinner. Well we decided to go to a nice steakhouse. I had a very good 22 ounce steak. Let's just say we all definitely went over per diem that night.

4. Hearing stories from everyone about how busy they have been at their office. I thought my office was the only one that was ridiculously busy. It was nice to hear that other offices were actually working like crazy also.

5. Going to NYC on Thursday night. It was nice to go and walk around the city. I even got to ride the subway. (Dirty!) I saw the tree at Rockefeller Center. It was ridicously packed with people at 10pm at night.

6. One of my colleagues decided to tell me why Florida should be playing Ohio State in the national championship game and not Michigan. I thought to myself does this guy realize that Florida is playing Ohio State and he doesn't have to justify it to me! Yeah just a little weird.

7. Internet access at the hotel sucked. I missed the Russ Parr Morning Show all week and at night I couldn't get on with the wireless because everyone was signed on. Yeah I was not happy about that.

8. Getting out of class early a couple days last week. For those of you who are wondering what kind of training we were doing. Well we were studying different stuff for tax. But the crazy thing is that we would be in a classroom from 8am to 5pm with an hour for lunch and a couple of breaks mixed in. The days were long and exhausting. It was funny when I would glance around the room and notice everyone either falling asleep or on their computer playing games. Yeah training was real productive.

9. I saw a man and woman fighting in NYC. The girl slapped him a few times and jacked him up. He eventually grabbed her and ran and left her on the street by herself. She was yelling some spanish stuff to him. It was pretty interesting to watch. Only in NYC.

10. Switching my flight to come home two hours earlier. It was nice. I got home at six yesterday instead of 8. Which means I got to go see The Pursuit of Happiness with Will Smith and his son. All I have to say is everyone needs to see this movie. It started off a little slow, but it is so good. I definitely recommend it to everyone.

Well that's all for now. I am America's Nightmare...


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