America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

GO BUCKS and I love my church!

What a win by the Buckeyes! That was definitely one of the best college football games that I have ever seen. The Buckeyes pulled it off and are on their way to the national championship game. January 8th is the big day, adn I will be rooting for them. I love football. That's the one thing that was missing from my undergraudate university. We didn't have a football team and had to accept a soccer game as our homecoming game. Yea, it's weird, but oh well. Being without football for those four years can make you forget how exciting the game is. HPU definitley should work on getting a team. Football brings this spirit to a campus that no other sport (besides basketball) can do. I am grateful to have went to The Ohio State University for graduate school. I was reaccquianted with football and without a doubt we have the best football team in the country. Fiesta Bowl here we come!!! I can't wait.

On another note, I love my church! yes, since I moved to Columbus I have been blessed with finding a new church home and family. Grace Apostolic church is the name of my church. I began attending there in May. I have been enjoying every moment of it. They have welcomed me with open arms and I hope to continue to grow spiritually with this church. At Grace, we have a great pastor. Luckily for myself, he is the teacher of our sunday school class for new saints. The class has been very interesting and I have been getting some answers to many of my questions that I have had about Jesus and the church. It amazes me how much knowledge my pastor has. I hope one day I will be that wise. One of the things we discussed in Sunday School today is that there is ONE TRUE GOD! Yes, no Allah, Buddah or anything else. There is only one God! Other religions may worship others, but they are wrong because there is only one God. If you have a Bible take it out and read Ephesians 4:4-5. For those who don't have one I will type it out for you now. "There is one body , and one spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling: One Lord, one faith, one baptism. " Yes it's right there in your bibles. I was amazed at this but it got me to thinking. So I stated to the pastor, "What will happen to those who believe in another faith and are sincere in their worshipping whomever it is, and don't have the opportunity to know Jesus Christ?" He looked at me and stated, "Our God is a righteous God." He went on to say that God recognizes that not everyone will be given the opportunity to read his last will and testament(The Bible) and that he will judge them accordingly. Man, that was very powerful to me. I had always wondered about those who never knew of Jesus Christ. It's good to know that our God is righteous and judges accordingly.

Another lady in my church is Sister Perry. She is our greeter. I remember meeting her on my first trip to Grace. Her bright smile and bubbling personaly welcomed me to Grace. Each week I come into church I am greeted by her beautiful smiling face. This week as I went to give her a hug she stated to me that she wanted to tell me something. I was a little surprised but I said ok. She stated that at the prayer breakfast she saw me and something just popped into her mind. She said that you are the type of person that doesn't get mad very often and if you do it has to be something serious. You then went on to say that you are a good friend to your friends and you would do anything for anyone of your friends. She stated that I valued friendship and looked out for all my friends. Also, she said that my friends come to me for advice because they respect my opinion. She ended by saying that she knows that I am a good person and those that know me feel the same way. (This was a summary but you get the just of what she was saying) I was blown away by this. I offer advice to a number of my friends and fraternity brothers. I have been told by a lot of people that they look up to me. It was amazing to me that God spoke to her and told her all this. It made me think about my friends that I have. One thing for sure is that I know I am a good friend. I take friendship very seriously and look out for those that I love and care about. Those that are my friends know that I look out for them and offer my advice on a number of situations. I am still shocked that Sister Perry got this message from God about me. It really touched me and made me smile even brighter today. I know this is a long post but I hope you all enjoyed. I will be updating one more time before Thanksgiving.

Until then I am America's Nightmare...


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