America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Monday, August 28, 2006

When times get rough....

Well I have officially been in my career for two months now. It's been a crazy transition. It's still going to take some time getting used to getting up during the week. I still can't seem to go to bed before midnight every night. It's unreal. Every night I just can't seem to go to bed.

I am moving this week. On Thursday the movers will be here. I am at least taking the morning off, probably the whole day, to get everything together. I will be running around cause I still need to get a desk, tv stand, and something to sleep on. Yes I will be very busy over the next few days. I will be glad when it is done. I really don't like moving.

Today while at work I was sitting and thinking. I currently make double the amount my mother makes a year. I don't know how my mom raised my sister and me on the amount of money that she makes. I don't think I ever felt like I was poor growing up. My mom always made sure we had clothes on our back and food to eat. I do remember at times when my mom would say that she only had like $20 to make it for us to eat for the week. I always thought that she was exaggerating, but I am now realizing that she was telling the truth. I can't begin to think about how my mom made ends meet, but she always made away. It was tough for her. She works in a hot factory and I know from first hand experience that it isn't easy to get up and go work in a factory everyday for $10 an hour. I worked with my mother last summer, and I had a new found respect for her. My mom only has her high school diploma. She took a couple college classes but nothing really serious. She always says that she wishes she would have stayed in school and got a degree. I know I have definitely made her proud by going to college and getting my Bachelor's and Master's degrees. Deep down inside apart of me was doing it for her. I want to one day be able to take care of my mother like she did for my sister and myself. With the lord willing, I someday plan to make enough money so that she can take it easy and enjoy her life. That's how I want to say thank you to her. I love my mom and justing sitting and thinking of all the sacrifices she made for my sister and myself has made me want to one day do something for her. I know she isn't expecting anything but it would be nice to just show her how much I appreciate what she did.

On a lighter note, there has been some good topics in the news. How about in Conn. Democratic primary was held and Ned Lamont, a anti-war candidate, defeated Sen. Joe Lieberman. Wow you talking about a shocker. I never expected for it to actually happen. I say good luck to Ned Lamont. We need more candidates coming out and speaking against the war. If I was in Conn. he would have my support.

Why are the emmy awards so boring. I only flipped back and forth between them last night. I was rooting for Chandra Wilson to win. She the lady that plays Dr. Bailey on Grey's Anatomy. Well of course she didn't win. I can't remember who the lady was that one, but that was my cue to change the channel.

So the graduation speaker at my undergrad for next year is Dr. Bill Cosby. How exciting is that. I will be there so I am excited to hear him. I know he can be very controversial but who cares. This makes me even more excited to be attending graduation. I will definitley be there.

There has been some good songs coming out here. Anyone heard that new Diddy song featuring Nicole for the Pussycat Dolls. It's called Come To Me and I love it. I am also feeling Ludacris' new song, Moneymaker. I gotta get this Ipod soon!

Well that's all for now. I am America's Nightmare...


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