America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Stick a Fork in ME!!

Well it's been a crazy week or so since the last time I blogged. Let's see. Where to begin...Let's start with last Thursday. We had dinner again at Millie's to celebrate Rhea's birthday. It was great of course. When we all get together we manage to have a good time. Many laughs.

On Friday I finally went to one of my fraternity's parties this quarter. The last one of the quarter though, but at least I made it out. I had the best time though. I really needed that night out to drink and just dance. And so why did I dance with someone's MOM! Yes you read that right. I danced with someone's mom. This lady had to be in her late 40s early 50s. Why her daughter brought her to the club with her, I don' t know or understand. That woman danced with me for like 6 or 7 songs straight. I was like damn is she ever gonna stop. Note to everyone reading this...It's not cool to bring your mom to the club! Leave her at homed!

Oh year earlier Friday they had a Party Walk Competition. Let me say that I love party walking. It's great seeing all the different greeks show their stuff. All of the Divine 9 participated except for AKAs and Kappas. I am not sure where the AKAs were. It would have been nice to see them there, but I guess since there chapter is suspended at OSU they won't be around until they return from suspension. Unfortunately my frat didn't participate, but it's all good there was a couple of us in attendence. I think the most outrageous thing of the night was the Ques. Now we all know that the Ques have a reputation of being crazy and wild. Well these Ques decided to wear thongs. Two of them stripped down to them and did their little party walk in the thong. But that's not it. While doing their thing they jumped on to females in the crowd grinding on them and all. I thought I was going to throw up! It was funny seein people run when they saw the Ques looking for their next victim. Those were the craziest Ques I had ever seen. More power to them for doing their thing. Each organization did an awesome job with their party walks. I was very impressed by all. I can't wait to see a step show.

Well I know all of you watched the finale of Flava of Love last night! Poor Hoopz and New York. Flava has sex with and dumps New York. I really thought she was going to win. Oh well I guess now she can pursue her acting career. Poor Hoopz. You are too fine to be with Flava Flav. I mean he is old enough to be your father! I know that relationship will not last. And to prove how tacky Flava is he gives Hoopz her own fronts or grill whatever you want to call it. I thought oh my gosh, this guy is really unbelieveable. I wish those two the best of luck. But of course the season wouldn't be complete without a reunion show! I can't wait cause it looks like New York is going to be acting a fool! I am really going to miss this show :(

Well finally this quarter is officially over for myself. I finished my last exam this morning! It feels great being done with this quarter. It has definitely flown by. I get two weeks fo relaxing for spring break. I need this break. It's my last spring break. Cause next year at this time I will be working in busy season and won't even have time to think about a spring break. Well I am not sure if I will update anymore until after spring break. If not enjoy the next two weeks cause i am sure I will.

Oh yeah I am so upset with Desperate Housewives. Is Alfre Woodard still apart of the show? I mean we haven't seen her character in two episodes. They have definitley wasted this talented actress. I, also, don't understand why they are now trying to tie this season into last season. I mean come on it's time to move on and start some new storylines. I am tired of dealing with Zack and Paul Young. If they are going to stay in Wisteria Lane give them some other problems ro something. But with all the complaining I do have to give a shout out to Marcia Cross! She is one of the best actresses I have seen. I loved her when she was crazy Kimberly Shaw on Melrose Place and I am loving her as Bree on DH! In my opinion she is truly the star of the show. My favorite line of the night was of course said by her "The opposite of love is not hate it's indifference. The fact that you hate me means that you still care!" Man she nailed that lined right on the head when scolding her son. Those two play well off each other. At first I didn't liek the alcoholism storyline, but it is growing on me. She needs to get an Emmy for this season cause she is definitely they only thing that keeps me watching this show!

I am America's Nightmare...


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