America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

State of the Union, Weekend trip to HPU...

Sorry for so long of a break in between posts. I have been on the go. I had planned to do a blog on the State of the Union address. Here are a couple of the notes I took while watching...

You take away Sept. 11 and the Bush presidency doesn’t mean a thing.

I have never understood our country trying to force other countries to have a democracy.

I could do without all those audience applauses during the speech.

No offense to those who have died in service while in the military, but does Bush think that you can’t support our troops without being in support of the Iraq War.

Loved the smirk on Sen. Clinton’s face when Bush was talking about Al-Quaida(sp.) and how they need to renew the Patriot Act.

I wonder why Bush didn’t mention that he has cut Student Financial Aid?!?!

Liked that the Democrats jumped up and when Bush said they didn’t act on his social security changes that he planned.

“America is addicted to oil”- No Comment

Why does Bush always say that “Judges shouldn’t legislate from the bench!”

Those were some of my thoughts while watching the State of the Union. I wish I cared about politics when Clinton was in office cause I would have liked to have seen one of his speeches. Moving on past that, last weekend I made a trip back to my undergrad institution to visit my frat brothers and old friends. It truly was a great weekend. A group of my main friends all met up down there and we just enjoyed each others company and partyed all weekend. So here are a few details of the trip.

Last Thursday my front picked me up from the airport. We drove to HPU and I was given a tour of all the new changes that President Nido is making at HPU. For those who haven't seen the campus well it's a mess. I think it will look great once it's done but there is just way too much going on with that campus. Well I met up with the rest of my frat brothers and we all talked and laughed and went to dinner together. We later on journeyed up to Elon University to an interest meeting our chapter was having on that campus. It was great seeing the rest of the brothers from my chapter. I really do miss hangin out with all of them. Later on that night another friend came in on the train and it was off to the hotel to sleep and get ready for Friday's festivities.

On Friday, we didn't really do much expect for eat and shop and wait on the rest of the crew to make it down. We chilled in the hotel a lot. Drank a little bit and basically just hung out and caught up some more with some other friends.

Now on Saturday was the big dance. We all got ready for that. had a little drama earlier in the day, but I will not go there. The dance was better than ever. I had way too much fun. I bought these My front and me bought these 7 dollar shades and we thought we were doing it big. Couldn't nobody tell us anything! Anyways after the dance we went back to the hotel got our grub on and chit chatted. I had to be up early sunday to get to the airport. I honestly can't wait to return to HPU. It really showed me how much I missed my frat brothers.

On Sunday night, when I returned to Columbus, I went to a Super Bowl party at a friend's house. Super Bowl was okay. Not really a whole bunch of excitement. My friend and her friend cooked some good fried chicken. Damn it reminded me of my mom's. It was so good.

I have been busy with classes and stuff since arriving back. That's why I haven't been updating. Had a couple of midterms, but now all that is over.

Oh yea update on my working out...I have probably lost almost 20 lbs since I began the new work out plan in January. it's going great. I am still motivated and am hoping to loose about 20-30 more. That weekend at HPU really hurt me. I was eating way too much. It's okay cause I am back on track down. I think I worked all that extra stuff off at the gym this week.

Dang this is a very long post. Until next time this is America's Nightmare....


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