America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Monday, March 06, 2006

The Oscars

Okay so I sat thru the 3 and a half telecast of this show. Yeah i don't understand why I bore myself with it but I thought I might see something that I liked. Which I did! 3-6 Mafia won an Oscar last night for "It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp". I was very excited for them. I didn't expect them to win, and the rest of America didn't either, but I really do like the song. There performance was great. Did anyone know that Taraji P. Henson could sing? I was truly amazed at her vocal ability. She did her thing especially with that high note at the end of the song. My mouth must have hit the floor after the performance. I just wanna say congrats again to 3-6 Mafia. I now feel obligated to go out and buy Hustle and Flow since I haven't seen the movie. Maybe this week when I get my tax refund I will go out and buy it.

Congrats also to the cast and crew of Crash for winning Best Picture. I have yet to see the movie, but I have heard nothing but good things about the movie. That's also is a must buy when I get the the refund this week.

Overrall the telecast was okay. Nothing really exciting. You pretty much knew who all the winners were going to be. I was hoping Felecity Huffman and Terrance Howard would upset Reese Witherspoon and who ever that guy was that won for best actor.

Has anyone heard that Terrance Howard now doesn't consider himself black? I read on some site on the internet that he pulling a Tiger Woods on us. If so shame on him. I know that he is actually mixed with something, but dang you gonna disown all the people who have supported you before you became the big star that you are now? I hate when people do that, but you know how that goes.

I am going to end this probably with something that's not politically correct but oh well it's how I truly feel. I hope next year we can get more Black actors and actresses nominated cause we have some good films that come out and it's a shame that a lot of them are overlooked. I ain't talking about nominating Denzel, Jamie, or Halle. How about some new blood. There are plenty of talented Black actors and actresses.

Well I am America's Nightmare...


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