America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

My weekend and other things

Well I have had a good weekend. Last night I went to a wine tasting social gathering. It was really nice. Those of you who know me know I have never had wine before. I went to CVS and picked up a cheap bottle of Arbor Mist and off I was to the wine tasting. I sampled so many different kinds that I don' t know which is my favorite. I do know that I think I am going to become a wine drinker cause I was lovin just about everything I was sippin on. (They are really turning me into a drinker here at OSU!) I really enjoyed myself last night. I really needed a night to go out and just relax and enjoy myself considering I had only planned on doing homework all weekend. We, also, played some spades last night which is my favorite card game in the world. I have to say that I still haven't lost my touch. I whooped up everyone that got on my table last night. I have to say that they kids here at Ohio State ain't got nothing on this spades playa!

On Friday I didn't really do much except for homework. I had planned on getting stuff done cause I have a lot of work due this upcoming week and I am just trying to get ahead. I actually accomplished a lot that I wanted to. So I was proud of myself. To celebrate my weight loss journey I went to Old Navy and bought myself a pair of jeans. And I have some amazing news. I can fit into a size 38 waist jeans. You guys don't understand how big of a monument that is. I havne't been able to fit a 38 waist probably since my junior or maybe my senior year of high school. This definitely makes me feel like my time in the gym is paying off. I plan on continuing my journey. I hope by this summer I can be down to a 36 or 34 waist cause I am going to go visit my friends in DC and I told Nicole that I will only be wearing a wife beater and will be showing off my sexy body all up and through DC! LOL! It's a joke everyone just laugh and move on.

Well for my Spring Break I am going to High Point to visit my bruhs and to just chill and relax for a week. It should be good times. I enjoyed my last visit there so I should enjoy my next one. Dang it's hard to believe we only have 3 weeks of classes left in this quarter. I can't wait for it to be done though. I am ready to finish out this school year. Anyways I have a lot more work to finish up today and so I am America's Nightmare...


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