America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Has your letters made you?

Many times I heard people say don’t let the letters define who you are. Some may know what I am referring to and some probably don’t. As most of you know, I am a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Many people told me after I crossed to not change and don’t be defined by the letters. I was chatting with a friend this week and we briefly discussed this. I thought about who I was before the letters and who I am now, after the letters. Did I change? Some would say yes and some would probably say no.

Before I became a member of my illustrious fraternity, I was probably known as an intelligent, smart, and positive young black male. I was probably known on campus for my political views and being very involved in student government on campus. I liked what I was doing on the campus. I feel like I did a lot. I had an identity. When I began researching about my fraternity, I came across a lot of stereotypes. Some call my fraternity the pretty boys, stuck up, and always dressed to impress. I spoke with a couple of my friends that were greek and realized that if I did become a member of any greek organization that I would be identified by this organization most of the time. Well I figured I could be called worse things and those stereotypes don’t really mean much to me.

After crossing those burning sands, I was continually greeted and congratulated for the next month and was reminded by a number of people to not change. Don’t let the letters define who you are. I, always thought, I had a personality before Kappa Alpha Psi and definitely didn’t join the organization to make a name for myself. I have never had issues identify myself. I never have and never will need an organization to define who I am.

Well then my next stop in life was to graduate school at The Ohio State University. I encountered numerous individuals during my year on the campus. I talked to several about many things. One question that always seemed to eventually come up is, “Why didn’t you tell me you were a Kappa?” I would always respond that, “Does it make a difference that I am?” Some would say no and then I would say that’s why I didn’t mention it. I would then explain to them that I love my frat and represent it hard, but it doesn’t make me who I am. It really shouldn’t be that important for me to announce that I am a member of this organization whenever I talk to someone.

So those of you that are greek, I have one question for you. Has your letters made you who you are? I have met numerous greeks from Ohio to North Carolina and some I would say yes. I look at some people and say they would really be nothing if they didn’t have those letters across there chest. It’s very sad that anyone would need that to have an identity. So after a week of seeing numerous probate shows, I say to all the neos: Don’t let the letters make you!!!

I am America’s Nightmare…


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