America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Conversation with America and Katya!!!

I have been talking about starting an interview series on the blog for the last month or so and it’s finally here. I decided to interview someone who I have known for quite a long time now. Katya and myself met in the 7th grade at Vail Middle School. Throughout high school she was one of my closet and best friends. We both got our first jobs at McDonald’s on Breiel blvd. We worked together there for over two years. We did go through a period when I went away to college of non-communication. What I mean by non-communication is the fact that we had time apart. I was off at college doing my own thing and she was doing hers. After a brief time of not speaking very often we found our friendship back on track. We have both grown up a lot and now, I personally feel, are growing in our friendship. Now instead of talking about nonsense, we talk like mature adults about a lot of relevant issues today. We do clown some. It’s great to reconnect with friends that you have grown apart from. We have definitely grown closer again. This interview took place about two weeks ago. I now present to my first interview apart of my series, “Conversations with America and…?” Enjoy! ( The picture is Dennis, Katya and me at my graduation party last summer.)

Name: Katya Lindsey
Age: 24 years old

Me: What’s the first memory you have of me?

Katya: 7th grade Ms. Hackney’s class. Kotcha!!!(A little back story on this, during the 7th grade our language arts teacher pronounced Katya’s name wrong for the entire school year. Each day she said something like Kotcha and me and Jason Webb would make fun of it.)

Me: What did she teach?

Katya: Language Arts.

Me: Do you read my blog?

Katya: Yeah some of them.

Me: Which blog post sticks out in your mind?

Katya: The one you are talking about your dad. How he is the luckiest man in the world.

Me: Why is that?

Katya: That one stuck in my head cause you went on to say…what were you talking about it… oh yeah how he wasn’t around…the title. I thought why does he think he is the luckiest man in the world.

Me: What’s your family background?

Katya: I lived with my mom, dad and sister.

Me: Do you feel like you had problems relating to your other black friends since most come from single parent homes:

Katya: No.

Me: Do you think it’s a disadvantage?

Katya: No, it doesn’t mean I can’t relate to them. There are people in my family that has only grew up with one parent and I can look at there experience and relate to my friends. Just because I didn’t go through it doesn’t mean that I can’t relate.

Me: What’s your worst fear?

Katya: How did I know you were going to ask that! LOL! Ugh… (Pondering)I don’t know…not living up to my destiny. We are all destined for greatnesses.

Me: Who do you think is the most influential black person today?

Katya: The most?

Me: Yeah, just in your opinion!

Katya: (thinking) Come back to that one!

Me: If you had a million bucks what would you do with it?

Katya: Pay all my debt and save the rest of it! Give some to charities.

Me: So you wouldn’t go out and by some bling bling?

Katya: For what?! Bling bling doesn’t make me who I am. Just as long as I stay JUICY I am fine. Don’t put that in there!

Me: You know I am going to include that! LOL! Next question is what do you think the number 1 problem affecting young black adults today? People that are in are age range 20-30 years old?

Katya: Black on black crime. We are killing each other off.

Me: Why do you think black people are killing each other?

Katya: You trying to get deep on me. I really don’t know. I just don’t get it.

Me: I was listening to Russ Parr this morning. They had a topic about slavery. Do you think that some people still use slavery as an excuse for black’s problems? Do you think we should forget about slavery and move on?

Katya: I think we should know our history and where we came from. People shouldn’t use it as a crutch. History can repeat itself and we can’t forget that.

Me: How long do you think we should stay in Iraq?

Katya: I think it’s time to pull out! I don’t know why we went over there! Nothings changed and it’s a whole bunch of young people who are dying for what. It’s the poor whites, blacks, and Hispanics ain’t no rich kids over there.

Me: President Bush says we should stay until job is done?

Katya: What’s the job?

Me: That’s a good question! A lot of people don’t’ know.

Katya: They couldn’t find weapons of mass destruction and Osama Bin Laden. They killed Saddam and if they wanted a democracy they can do it themselves. We need to stop butting in people’s business. We have people here who aren’t even completely free.

Me: Say we leave Iraq, what happens if in two years its major chaos. Do we then go back over and try and fix what started or do just let them be?

Katya: I think we as a country need to step back and evaluate the situation. It’s still chaos now. Today 18 Iraqis died. You just have to go in and evaluate the situation. Maybe we are the ones who started the chaos.

Me: In 2008, in United States, we have the potential to elect the first woman, black, Mormon, or Hispanic for president what do you think about that?

No matter who wins it’s a complete success since we have such diverse presidential candidates.

Me: Which one do you think is more important to have first?

Katya: Of course, being black I would say having a black president would be good. I don’t think it’s more important. I would like to see it in my lifetime. I would like to be able to say I helped accomplished that. Hopefully I can see it in my lifetime.

Me: Democrat or Republican?

Katya: I would have to say I am middle of the road like most Americans. When I go to the polls I have to say I vote Democrat. I consider myself a swing voter.

Me: So you would vote for a Republican?

Katya: Yes, if I agree with there platform.

Me: Do you know what your parent’s party affiliation is?

Katya: I am pretty sure it’s democrat.

Me: Have you ever talked politics with your parents?

Katya: Yes, me and my dad.

Me: Do you find yourself agreeing with your father?

Katya: Sometimes.

Me: What’s an issue you both agree on?

Katya: Umm, let me think…something that a hot subject now… the war in Iraq. We agree that we need to pull out. We both agree that Bush is an idiot. LOL

Me: What’s your highest level of schooling?

Katya: Some college.

Me: Do you plan getting your college degree?

Katya: Yes, you can’t get anywhere without one.

Me: What do you plan on getting your degree in?

Katya: My major is political science. I have two years left on that.

Me: Favorite TV show?

Katya: There is just so many to choose from. My all time favorite is Law and Order

Me: Favorite Movie?

Katya: My all time favorite movie is…Malcolm X. Every time it comes on I have to see it.

Me: Being a non Greek how important do you feel about black Greeks are to today’s society?

Katya: I think they are important because you get to mingle with your peers. Have an interaction and possibly find a connection. They seem good for networking. Since I am not Greek I don’t’ know for sure.

Me: Again I will ask who is the most influential black person?

Katya: I can’t just pick just one. Look at black history month. As a people we have accomplished so much. I can’t just point one person out.

I am going to ask you to pick one of the two for the next serious of questions. To start off we will go with black or white?

Katya: Black. Black is beautiful

Me: Tall or Short?

Katya: Let’s see. I’m short so I am going to go with Short

Me: Obama or Clinton?

Katya: Obama

Me: Giuliani or McCain?

Katya: Giuliani

Me: Chocolate or Vanilla?

Katya: Vanilla

Me: Thanks for taking the time out to answer my questions.

Katya: You’re welcome.



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