America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Be A Leader!!!

Sometime last week while listening to The Russ Parr Morning Show they had a people poll response to Rev. Al Sharpton criticising Sen. Barrack Obama. Sharpton was saying a bunch of ridiculous things like Obama hasn't done anything for blacks and hasn't proven himself to our community. He, also, stated that Obama need to give any money that he received from non-black donors back to them! When I was listening to this I was like what the hell! Rev. Al has a lot of nerve. Why are black leaders afraid to embrace another black leader? Is Sharpton afraid that Obama is stilling his thunder? ( I know some of you are saying what thunder and I agree) I couldn't believe that Rev. Al Sharpton was being so critical of Sen. Obama. Sen. Obama has done a lot for the black community. He has been a much needed voice for our community in the Senate. He has given hope back to blacks that we can achieve anything. He's a fresh, new, energetic, and young black leader that speaks to us younger African Americans who didn't grow up during the civil rights movement. After getting over this I thought to myself, why don't we have more young black leaders?

"Be a leader and not a follower!" Many times in my short life span I have heard those words. Early on in my life I decided that I was going to be a leader and not a follower. Growing up I always had my own sense of style. Never wanting to follow anyone I did what I felt was right. Whether it was accepted by the majority. I feel that's one of the problems with people today. Many are sitting back being followers and not taking responsibility for leading their lives.

Being a leader means taking chances. As a leader I have taken many chances. I have ran for many club leadership positions and lost. I wasn't afraid to lose or take the chance of losing. Many people hate taking chances and are afraid of what the unknown will bring. Well as a leader I say you have to be confidant in what you believe and be willing to take that chance. Being a leader does mean that you will receive criticism and ridicule. I have been criticised many times. I remember back when I was at HPU and I was Legislative Vice President of the Student Government and I was outspoken on many issues/bills brought before the student government. I didn't care whether people agreed or not. As a leader I had to be willing to accept the criticism and keep it moving. I couldn't worry about satisfying everyone. I id make a decision in college that I now regret. I wish I would have taken a more hands on work in the Black Cultural Awareness group. I was very dissatisfied with it while in college and didn't really want to have much to do with the organization. If I could go back I would have definitely been more involved and possibly tried to do something to make the organization better. I sat back and complained about the organization for my four years at HPU and never did anything to change it.

Some of you are probably wondering why I am writing this post. Well I have witnessed a number of individuals some friends and brothers that have been followers. It's sad in my opinion. Many are willing to sit back and let someone lead them like a puppy dog. Why is this? Are they too afraid to make a decision on their own? Who knows, but this has got to stop. People need to stand up and lead on their own. They need to stop waiting on people to grab them by the hand and leading the way. With this post I am encouraging all of you who read this to become a leader. Quit sitting back and being a follower. We have enough of them in the world. Be different!!! Be a LEADER!!!

Well folks that it for now. I may be taking a hiatus. I have been getting busier and busier at work due to tax season. I'm not sure I will have much time to post in the next month, but I will if I can. Until then I am America's Nightmare.


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