America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Anyone else ready for Thanksgiving?...

I am extremely exhausted. It's been a rough week! I put in a lot of hours at work and its draining me. I never expected to be working so much during this time of the year, but I guess this is the way the cookie crumbles. I am excited for Thanksgiving. I haven't been back to da Middie since June. It will be so much fun to catch up with family and friends. Let me add that the food will be amazing also. I have yet to cook for myself in my new apartment. After working all day I just never feel like coming home and whipping up dinner. Plus its easier just to order out. Hopefully one day I get into the swing of things. Less than two weeks I will be enjoying a very good home cooked thanksgiving meal. I wish Thanksgiving was more than just once a year!

This week I had kind of an altercation at work. It was troubling and I was ready to explode on Wednesday night. I would rather not get into the whole situation on here, but some of you do know. I have realized that even though I am not working at a fast food restaurant anymore (thank god!) the same B.S. exists at a corporate job that exists in a little fast food restaurant. You will have co workers that you get along with and some that you just don't see eye to eye with. It's life and its something that you just have to deal with.

Besides all the nonsense at work I have to say politically this has been a very good week! I won't say much more about it, but can I say that I am happy that America voted for change! I was a little skeptical but I was in deep happy with the results. (Especially in Ohio!)

Last weekend was one of the best weekends of my life. I went to NC to visit my LBz and some of my friends still at my undergrad institution. It was so much fun. I love hangin out with my bruhs. They definitely keep me entertained. Everytime I visit it just makes me miss them more! I wish I lived closer to some of my LBz. I definitely enjoy the times we hang out. It's amazing to me still how strong the bond is between my LBz and myself. I remember when we all started our journey to Kappa Land. I definitely didn't think we would end up so close. (yes, we pledged and I don't regret it!) I love those boys and would do anything I could to help them. I think our bond definitley grows stronger and stronger as time goes by. Last night I went to a step show and just thought man if only my bruhs was here. (There were members of my fraternity there, but I am sure everyone that is greek will agree that there is nobody like your home chapter) I definitley miss my LBz and hopefully one day I will live closer to them. Oh yeah my Front says that he may come to Ohio next semester! Yeah he shocked me when he said this. Hopefully he does so I can show him around CO and see how life is here.

Well I am America's Nightmare...


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