America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

A week of training...

Well all last week I was in New Jersey for training for my job. It was actually not that bad of a time. I really enjoyed meeting my colleagues from different offices from around the country well I guess I should say world. It was nice talking with my colleagues and hearing about their offices. Its suprising how different our offices are considering we all work for the same company. It was a great time spent getting to know a lot of people. I really did enjoy meeting everyone. So on Friday as we left to depart I found out that people who were traveling to Chicago had their flights either cancelled or delayed. I was worried cause I figured that it would eventually affect me. Well of course I was right. My flight back ended up being cancelled. It sucked because I had been at the airport for about five hours before they finally decided to quit delaying our flight and to just cancel it. Took an hour just to get another flight and then I had to figure out where and the heck my luggage was going to be. So another one of my co workers and myself spent the night in NYC. Didn't really get to see much. We walked a little around Times Square. Man even at midnight NYC is still jumping. It's amazing. I can't wait to go and visit when I have more time to just look around and explore. I made it back home on Saturday evening and was just completely exhausted. I had only been getting probably five hours of sleep each night while at training. Yeah I know that's definitley not good considering I needed to be focused. I should be ready to head back to work and get things going. Things in the office should go a lot smoother for me now that I have a better understanding of our software.

Can anyone believe that it is almost August. Yes in a couple of days it will be August. I have to say this year has been flying by. I can't believe how fast the time is going. It doesn't feel like it should be August already. Man has it gotten hot. It's like 95 degrees here in Columbus. Yes it's too much. I didn't think we would have too rough of a summer, but I guess I was wrong. This weather is definitely too much. I just want to stay inside in the Air conditioner and not do anything. I don't even want to go to the gym. Yeah I knwo that's definitely bad, but I am going to get myself back together. I have only been working out like twice a week and that's just not good.

Anyone else watching Big Brother. Oh my gosh. All I have to say is what the heck is up with Season six winning all the Head of Households. I don't like when one group dominates the game. Hopefully next week someone else can win HOH and shake this game up. It definitely needs it. I am enjoying it though. I love Big Brother and hopefully one day I will get to do that show. Yeah I know its crazy, but shoot it would be so much fun.

Anyways the month of August will be very busy for me with me moving and getting my apartment together so bare with me if I don't update as much. I will at least shoot for once a week, but if I don't then you guys will just have to suffer. LOL well I am America' s Nightmare...


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