America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

A few things on my mind

So on my way to work on Monday I grab the Latern, it's the school newspaper at The Ohio State University, and was shocked to see a picture of Sen. John McCain with the headline that he will be the spring commencement speaker. I have no ill feeling towards this man, but last year at my undergrad graduation I sat through a boring speech by Mayor Rudy Guiliani. I was hoping that I could avoid having to listen to another politician at my graduation. We all know the reason why Sen. McCain is speaking. He is going to be running for President again so what a perfect opportunity to speak in the infamous battleground state of Ohio. Of course they never admit that this is the reason, but you would be a fool to believe otherwise.

So last night I broke down and watched American Idol. Boy was that a bad mistake! In my opinion the best performance was given by Paris, but it wasn't because of her vocals. She seemed to be the only one who enjoyed performing her song and actually didn't do a half bad job. She performed Beyonce's "Work It Out". Paris had some good dance moves and I think could hold her own in the Hip Hop and R and B world. Besides her performance, no one else is even worth mentioning. They about put me to sleep. I don't know how these people made it to the top 10. I don't think I could put myself through the agony of watching the show to the finale. Good Luck Paris cause I don't think I could stand to see anyone else be crowned the winner. Maybe I picked a bad night to watch, but I am sure those that saw agree with my statements.

Moving on, I forgot to mention in my last post but why can't the clubs in Ohio be as krunk as the clubs in NC. Now I went to a party, whil e visiting NC and let me tell you. I truly miss the club atomsphere. They were krunk the whole night during all the krunk and B songs. They know how to play good club music in NC. The clubs in Ohio don't even compare. If only they had a clue. Just listening to the radio in NC I noticed a big difference. They aren't playing the same ole tired songs that have been out for two/three months. Ohio Clubs and Radio Stations need to step their game up.

Ok enough with my ranting, can I just say that I have the best LBs (Line Brothers) in the world. Dang I really did have a good time with them in NC. I promise my next post is devoted strictly to my fraternity...mainly my LB's because we will be turning 1 year old. That's right our crossing anniversary is coming up later this week. A special post will be put up for it.

Is anyone else out their addicted to Facebook?!?! Well let me be the first to admit that I am. I have been told by numerous people that I change my picture way too much. So I am going to keep my picture the same at least for the next two weeks or maybe longer. Yes it's going to be hard cause I wanna change it nwo but I am going to show everyone that I don't have to change my pic every week/day. I gotta start winging myself off of this addiction because I can't be at work checking facebook. I don't think my future employer would like me sitting around and messin on facebook. So by the end of July I plan on cutting back significantly the amount of time that I am on facebook. I don't know how I will do it but i will make it work.

I need to find an apartment by June 1st and I have yet to do that! :( I gotta get a move on it!

I am America's Nightmare...


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