America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

1st day of Class

So today marked the first day of classes for winter quarter. I wasn't quite ready to start the new quarter off. I hadn't bought books or even printed out any info for class. I could have used a couple more days. I had 2 of my 4 classes today, and unlike last quarter, I actually think I am going to like these two classes. Last quarter, I couldn't stand the classes that I was in. It felt like a lot of the time was wasted talking about nothing that was going to be relevent to my future career as a tax accountant. I had a tax and a foundations of accounting classes today. Both professors were full of energy and seemed as if they would be quite entertaining this quarter. Hopefully they can keep me focused and enjoying their classes all quarter.

Tomorrow I have my other two classes. They are a business law and fraud examination class. They both seem as if they will be very entertaining. I am hoping these classes go well tomorrow. I guess only time will tell.

In 5 months I will be done with my Master's degree. It's kinda weird thinking of having a Master's degree. It just doesn't seem like I should have one at my age. I will only be 23 years old when I receive it. I will really feel accomplished once I get it. Neither my mother or father went to college so I never thought I would go this far. One thing for sure is that I am proud of myself and have worked very hard to get to where I am today. I am going to continue working hard to make it to June 11, 2006.(That graduation for those who don't know) Lord knows I am ready to be done with school.

Until next time this is America's Nightmare...


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