America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

2 or 3 year itch...

Well I have been thinking a lot lately about my career. I have been out of school for two years now. It's been a good two years so far. I have had ups and downs. Now I feel like I am having the two year itch. What is the two (or three years in some cases) itch? It is when you start reexamining your life. Looking at how your career has been going. Should you make any major life decisions? New job/career, buy a home, or relocate to a new city. These are some of the many questions that young professionals face every so often. I am calling it the two (or three) year itch.

As a young, black, professional I seek to be in the company of like minded individuals. Moving back to my hometown was out of the question. Small town wouldn't be suitable for me to achieve my dreams. So in an effort to satisfy my mom I decided to begin my career in Columbus, Ohio. Not a bad city. Nice big city, nice downtown, many young professionals, suburbs and good night life. I thought hey I could hang in there for a couple of years. Well since I am experiencing the two year itch I am ready to make a move. I desire to be in a different city. Columbus just no longer does it for me. Honestly I would like to be in a city around more young, black, and professional people. So that has led me to decide that i need to move to Atlanta or D.C.. I would have loved to move to one of those two cities this year but plans are changing. I will probably have to just wait until next summer. I do know one thing I will be gone from Columbus next year at this time.

In regards to career, I have noticed that many of my friends have been changing jobs. This has made me think about whether or not it is time for me to do the same thing. Should I put the resume together and start sending it out. If I don't then should I go back to school? I have always said that I was going to be a college professor. I was always perturbed because there wasn't a lot of African-American professors at the colleges I went to. I feel strongly that we need more African-American professors at the college level. I have been debating hard if now would be the right time to go back and do this. Could I really see myself entering school again in the Fall of 2009? Who knows I definitely could do it if I wanted to. Who knows I might just end up doing it.

Home ownership. I have one friend who is over excited about owning a home. He wants to buy one right away. I just don't have the desire right now. Everyone always says well you know by paying rent you are just making someone else rich. Well I just don't want to probably buy a home until I am about 30. I feel like i would be making enough to afford the taxes and stuff on it. I mean right now I am paying less than $300 a month in rent. Yeah I just got a roommate so I have cut my rent expense in half. It is nice having that extra money too. Hopefully I can put that money to good use. We will see though.

This two year itch has really got me thinking. I know a lot of people my age are experiencing the same thing. What are we going to do? We will definitely make it through it though. Besides we will be turning 30 soon so we will begin to worry about growing old soon!

I am America's Nightmare...


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