America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Rev. Wright and Senator Obama

Now I wasn't going to address this issue because I didn't deem it necessary. Unfortunately I am still shocked, but not surprised that the media is out to destroy Barack Obama because of what they call his former pastor's "anti-american" comments. To be honest with you I have sat back and been amazed at the stupidity of today's media. They really are trying to make Barack accountable for Rev. Wrights words, even though he wasn't present in church the day any of the controversial statements were made. (Yeah I bet you don't here that in the media!) I, personally, don't find anything wrong with what he said. I say that because I am an intelligent person and have actually heard the entire speech and not 10 second clips. Not surprising the media, especially Republicans and Hilliary Clinton, have been enjoying the fall out. They realize that many Americans won't pay attention long enough to care about the whole speech that Rev. Wright delivered. They know many Americans are stupid enough to just go off the 10 second sound bites and judge him off of that. They figured they couldn't get Barack on anything else so they will beat this into the UNINFORMED voters heads to make him out to be a bad person.

What I want you to do is think back to something that you said today. As a matter of fact, think of a conversation you were having. Now imagine someone video taping everything you said and taking a 10 second snippet of something you said during the conversation. Now imagine that 10 second snippet being the most vile thing you said during the conversation. Then it gets shown to everyone that you know. Of course, many people's preception of you will begin to change. Why? Well because they were only getting 10 seconds of the conversation. What if they were given the full conversation? Do you think there perception of what you said would be different? Most definitely, and if you think differently then you are insane.

Growing up in American as a black person is very difficult. We are faced with many obstacles. Many who aren't black don't understand. Not surprising, because it's hard for me to understand Asian or Hispanic problems. Think about this. When my mother was born blacks didn't even have the right to vote in America! Now imagine the America my grandparents grew up in. It's hard for many to imagine. I know that my grandparents had a struggle. I admire them a lot for being able to survive during that time. Many don't know what it is like to be treated like a second class citizen. They don't know what it is like to be spit at or made to sit at the back of the bus. I bet many of you don't know how it feels to have to go to segregated bathrooms. The reality is this wasn't that long ago. If you go back 50 years that's what it was like. Ask you grandparents. They can tell you better than I can.

With all that said, I hope you take a second and actually listen to the entire sermon Rev. Wright was delivering. Think about the congregation that he was speaking to. These are my people. Who only got the right to vote in 1964. Listen to the sermon and think about the ordeal Rev. Wright and my ancestors had to go through. Remember this too, the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was once considered "anti-american" for the things that he said. Now he is know as one of the great leaders in American History. I wouldn't be surprised if Rev. Wright eventually is placed upon that same pedestal as Dr. King.

I am America's Nightmare...


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