10 Reasons why I won't support John McCain
John McCain aka The Maverick. The 2008 Presumptive Republican Nominee and Republican Senator from Arizona. Most of you are probably wondering why in the hell I am writing about John McCain? You know I am not supporting him, but I just wanted to take a moment to discuss him. By living in Ohio I am (un)fortunate to be bombarded with campaign ads already. We are one of the top battleground states and I am sure the candidates will be bombarding us with visits and campaign ads until November. I have never known much about McCain. I just knew that he was considered a "Maverick" of his party. He wasn't afraid to step out of line with his party. Whether it was controversial or not. Well as a presidential candidate John McCain has done a 180 degree turn on who he is. Now I know as a politic an you have to be able to evolve and change your position as time goes on, but Senator McCain is a new candidate. It's unbelievable. Here is 10 reasons why I don't support John McCain for President.
1. He opposed a federal holiday in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
I am sorry but you can't explain to me why you wouldn't support this. I don't know his reason for opposing it but I refuse to find out why. Yeah I should but I won't. I just can't understand why someone would think it was a bad idea for this. You know now he fully supports the holiday. Just look up on the Internet on what he was doing to mark the anniversary of King's death!
2. He wants to continue fighting the war in Iraq no matter how long it takes.
I'm sorry this war needs to end and end NOW! It's ridiculous that we are still fighting and we don't know what we are fighting for. The Iraqi government is set up and they want us to put a timetable together of when we are going to leave, but of course McCain doesn't want to do that.
3. McCain doesn't support affirmative action.
In Arizona, they have a ballot initiative to end the practice of affirmative action in Arizona. I believe it is to end the use of race based hiring and admissions. (Affirmative action for the slow.) Trust me AMERICA isn't ready to end affirmative action. There are too many people that are still prejudice against minorities and we won't ever be able to get rid of affirmative action because there are still loads and loads of people teaching their children racism and prejudice.
4. McCain is now against any form of abortion.
My how times change. Not to long ago I seem to remember him being in support of a woman's right to choose. I could be wrong but I know I am right about this one. Some will do anything to be President!
5. He is 71 and will be 72 by the time he takes the oath of office.
That's not a typo. John McCain is old as dirt. I'm sorry but I have a hard time voting for anyone that is over the age of 70. At a certain point you have to let it go. Yeah some my say I am an ageist but I don't care. It matters to me when someone is going to be running our country.
6. He supports tax cuts for the wealthy.
I am a big advocate of people who make more should pay more in taxes. Say what you want but I am a tax accountant and I know that those that are wealthy don't pay as much as they should in taxes. There are many loopholes in the tax code that helps them avoid having to pay taxes. It sucks and I am sorry if you are making 50 million dollars a year as a CEO or actor/actress I honestly think you shouldn't have a problem with giving at least 25% of that in taxes.
7. He wants to continue Bush policies, thus giving us a third term of Bush.
Yes, look at where John McCain stands on the issues. He has voted in congress to support Bush on 95% of the time. That's way too much for anyone that wants my vote.
8. He's an elitist!
I know many have tried to call Barack this but if you look up the word elite you will see that Barack Obama definitely isn't elitist. He doesn't own 10 homes and isn't worth about 100 million.
9. He's a Republican.
Republicans are the devil. They have ruined this country. That's why we are in a recession and gas prices have risen so much since Bush has been in office.
10. Barack Obama is the better candidate.
Yeah I am biased but the truth is the truth. BARACK THE VOTE 08!!!
I am America's Nightmare...
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