America's Nightmare-Young, Black, and Educated

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."-General George S. Patton, Jr.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

You think you know, but you have no idea...

I was sitting here thinking about quite a few things last night. There are many things that people think they know about me, but they really don't. So I came up with a list of 20 things that people may be surprised to know about me. All the things on the list aren't surprising so don't think your mouth will just hit the floor after everyone. So here goes.

1. I have never owned a pair of Jordans and I am 99.9% sure that I will never buy a tennis shoe that cost that much money. I have never understood why people are buying his shoes, and why they are re-releasing the old shoes and people are still buying those. Doesn't make sense to me.

2. My mother raised a family on 3 on less than $20,000 a year. When I think about it, I don't understand how she did it. That's one reason why I love my mom.

3. I think I want to write a book one day. I am thinking really soon, like within the next two years.

4. I played football and basketball in high school. Those that went to high school with me are probably like so who cares. Well I just think the friends that I made after high school are surprised when I tell them this.

5. I think oversized wite t's are stupid and tacky. Hey it's just my opinion.

6. I really want to be on Big Brother next season, but am very nervous about applying for it. People would be surprised to know that I would do almost anything to win.

7. I made fun of black greeks before I became one. I remember back when I was a senior in high school. I went to visit my friend Megan at Miami University with some of our other friends. We went to a step show. Well before we went we ran into this guy who knew Megan who was carrying this ridicuolous cane aroudn with him. I said who the hell would just carry around a cane. Well needless to say I am now a member of that organization. LOL!

8. Last week, I made my first campaign contribution to a presidential candidate. I was surprised I did it but I really feel strongly for this candidate. I know you all want to know who and that will be on a later post. So stay tuned for that one.

9. I just recently started using Ebay and I now want to buy so many things off of there.

10. I am surprised that people are surprised at what's happening with the Jena 6. It's been happening in America forever. It just has been looked over. Wake up AMERICA!

11. I've lived in Ohio my whole life and have never been to Cleveland.

12. I hate shaving or would wear a beard if I didn't have to groom it.

13. The more I visit HPU the more I wish that I could one more semester of undergrad. I think it is mainly since I crossed KAPsi and then graduated a few weeks after. It would be nice to enjoy one semester with my chapter bruhs.

14. I seriously have considered joining the army to get my college loans paid off. It's just ridiculous that you go to college for a better life and then you have to go into a crazy amount of debt just to do that. Is it really necessary?

15. Tyler Perry's Why did I Get Married is a really good movie. Tasha Smith was hilarous and needs to have her own show because she was one of the many highlights of the movie.

16. I collected basketball cards when I was a kid and had probably close to 1,000, but I havwe no idea what happened to them.

17. I think KFed wants custory of him and Britney's children just for the money. Has anyone else wondering why he didn't try and sue Shar Jackson for custody of their children? Because, she is nowhere near as rich Britney.

18. I hate the fact that Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina will decide who our next presidnet will be and it sickens me.

19. I've thought about becoming a vegetarian just to see what it is like never eating any meat.

20. I would like to be a political analyst one day. I could see myself having my own show and talking about politics.

I am America's Nightmare...


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